Thanks And Acknowledgements

My thanks go to Kent Libraries and Archives - Folkestone Library and also to the archive of the Folkestone Herald. For articles from the Folkestone Observer, my thanks go to the Kent Messenger Group. Southeastern Gazette articles are from UKPress Online, and Kentish Gazette articles are from the British Newspaper Archive. See links below.

Paul Skelton`s great site for research on pubs in Kent is also linked

Other sites which may be of interest are the Folkestone and District Local History Society, the Kent History Forum, Christine Warren`s fascinating site, Folkestone Then And Now, and Step Short, where I originally found the photo of the bomb-damaged former Langton`s Brewery, links also below.


Welcome to Even More Tales From The Tap Room.

Core dates and information on licensees tenure are taken from Martin Easdown and Eamonn Rooney`s two fine books on the pubs of Folkestone, Tales From The Tap Room and More Tales From The Tap Room - unfortunately now out of print. Dates for the tenure of licensees are taken from the very limited editions called Bastions Of The Bar and More Bastions Of The Bar, which were given free to very early purchasers of the books.

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Monday, 23 December 2024

West Cliff Shades, Christchurch Road 1857 - 1979

West Cliff Shades, 1978


Thomas Cobb 1857 ????
Mr. Porter ???? 1868
Thomas Cobb 1868 1870 To New Inn
George Wright 1870 1875
Thomas Inman 1875 1876
Christopher Wedderburn 1876 1887 From Paris Hotel
Charles Lord 1887 1897
Robert Bergerson 1897 1897
William Patrick Barratt 1897 1897
Frederick Schultz 1897 1903 From London And Paris
Walter Barker 1903 1934
Bessie Barker 1934 1940
Executors of Mrs. Barker 1940 1940
Herbert Barker 1940 1945
Leonard Barker 1945 1952 From Prince Albert
Arthur Chilton 1952 1955
Harry Wilson 1955 1956
Marie Chilton 1956 1957
Robert Kitson 1957 1978
Keith Hill 1978 1979 Renamed Happy Frenchman

Folkestone Chronicle 1-11-1862 

Advertisement: West Cliff Hotel, Folkestone: To be let, the extensive and well-arranged Tap, Stables and Billiard Rooms in connection with this hotel. This portion of the property is detached, and forms within itself a complete and perfect establishment; in addition to the greatly increasing neighbourhood, its proximity to the large Camp at Shorncliffe is an important feature, and there being no accommodation of this kind on the West Cliff, it is evident that, with proper management, a very large and valuable business will be at once secured by the tenant. For cards to view, apply to the manager, with real name and address.

Folkestone, October 31, 1862.

Folkestone Chronicle 21-5-1864

On Tuesday last the public were startled by a rumour that a man had been thrown over the viaduct. It turned out, however, that on Monday (Whit Monday), a respectably-dressed individual, a discharged soldier, had come from Dover, having come down from London with the numerous excursionists, and falling into the company of some soldiers, had in the course of the evening been overtaken with drink, and had been roughly handled and robbed of his watch and money. At half past eleven he was turned out of the West Cliff Hotel Tap, and no more was seen of him until found early on Tuesday morning in Foord Lane. An hour later he was seen in the neighbourhood of the Tram Road by the police, having been apparently cruelly beaten, but being quite unconscious he could give no account as to who the parties were who had assaulted him. The presumption, however, is that being excessively drunk he must have received his injuries from repeatedly falling down. He is still lying here, suffering from the effects.

Folkestone Chronicle 4-6-1864

West Cliff Hotel Tap And Livery Stables
Upper Sandgate Road, Folkestone
T.W. Cobb begs to inform the Visitors, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Folkestone that he has opened the above house and trusts, by strict attention to business to merit a share of Public patronage.
Lock-up Coach Houses, Loose Boxes, Horses taken in at livery
Licenced to let Carriages of every description on hire
West Cliff Hotel Tap And Livery Stables

Note: This refers to the West Cliff Shades

Folkestone Chronicle 27-8-1864

Wednesday 24th August:- Before Captain Kennicott R.N., James Tolputt, and A.M. Leith Esqs.

General Annual Licencing Meeting – Special Sessions

Applications for new licences were made by Mr. Minter, and in each case granted, for the following persons:- Thomas William Cobb, West Cliff Hotel Tap

Folkestone Observer 4-4-1868

Wednesday, April 1st: Before The Mayor, Captain Leith, and R.W. Boarer Esq.

Transfer of license was granted to Mr. Cobb, West Cliff Tap, Sandgate Road
Folkestone Express 4-4-1868

Wednesday, April 1st: Before The Mayor, Capt. Leith, and Alderman Boarer.

Transfer of License

The West Cliff Hotel Tap, from Mr. Pointer to Mr. Thomas Cobb.

Note: No record of Pointer is given in More Bastions.

Folkestone Express 23-5-1868

Local Intelligence

The West Cliff Tap was transferred from Mr. Pointer to T. Cobb on Wednesday last.

Folkestone Express 28-5-1870

Wednesday, May 25th: Before The Mayor, R.W. Boarer, and C. Dashwood Esqs.

Transfer of License

The license of Thomas Cobb to George Wright at the West Cliff Hotel Tap.

Folkestone Observer 7-7-1870

Wednesday, July 6th: Before The Mayor, Capt. Kennicott, W. Bateman and J. Tolputt Esqs.

This was a special sessions for the transfer of licenses.

The West Cliff Tap was transferred from Thomas W. Cobb to George Wright.

Folkestone Chronicle 9-7-1870

Wednesday July 6th: Before the Mayor, Capt. Kennicott R.N., W. Bateman and J. Tolputt Esqs.

This was a special sessions for the transfer of licenses. The West Cliff Tap was transferred from Thomas W. Cobb to George Wright.

Folkestone Express 9-7-1870

Wednesday, July 6th: Before The Mayor, Captain Kennicott R.N., W. Bateman, and J. Tolputt Esqs.

Transfer of License

West Cliff Hotel Tap: The license was transferred from Thomas Cobb to George Wright.

Folkestone Express 23-7-1870


George Wright, Wine and Spirit Merchant

West Cliff Hotel Tap, Sandgate Road

Families Supplied. Good Beds.

N.B. Large and commodious Billiard and Bagatelle Rooms
Folkestone Chronicle 30-9-1871

Thursday, September 28th: Before W. Bateman and J. Tolputt Esqs.

George Wright, landlord of the West Cliff Tap, was summoned by the Superintendent, charged with keeping his house open during prohibited hours last Sunday. A police constable went to the house and discovered that defendant had served some beer to customers, the remains of which were in pint pots on the counter.

Defendant said he had some lodgers in the house and they caused the door to be opened, and then people came in.

Mr. Bateman said that many complaints had been made about public houses opening on a Sunday, and the nuisance must be stopped. The Bench would therefore fine defendant £2 and costs, and hoped he would be more cautious in the future.

Folkestone Express 30-9-1871

Thursday, September 28th: Before Dr. Bateman and Ald. Tolputt

George Wright, of the West Cliff Tavern, was summoned on the information of P.C. Smith, for that on Sunday last he did unlawfully supply to certain men in his house, beer, within the prohibited hours of Sunday.

The defendant admitted the charge, saying that the man went into his house, and he yielded to the importunity.

The chairman said the offence was one of too common occurrence, and it must be severely punished. The Bench fined the defendant £2, with 9s. costs, in default one month imprisonment.

The money was paid.
Folkestone Express 1-6-1872

Wednesday, May 29th: Before The Mayor, R.W. Boarer, J. Clarke and S. Eastes Esqs.

Mr. George Howse, West Cliff Hotel, applied for and obtained a temporary authority to sell at the Hotel Tap by George Wright, which was granted.

Note: More Bastions lists Wright as being there from 1870.

Southeastern Gazette 8-3-1875

Local News

On Monday last a valuable mare, the property of Messrs. Leney and Co., brewers, left in charge of a boy, at the West Cliff Tap, became restive, broke away and started down the Sandgate  Road, when, coming in contact with a coal cart, a general smash of the vehioces occurred, fortunately without resulting in injury to either of the horses.

Folkestone Express 4-12-1875

Saturday, November 27th: Before The Mayor, Col. De Crespigny, T. Caister and W.J. Jeffreason Esqs.

William Croucher, a cabman in the employ of Mr. Thomas Inman, innkeeper and fly proprietor, West Cliff, was charged with embezzling 2s., the monies of his master, on the 15th November.

Mr. Minter prosecuted.

Mr. Minter, having briefly opened the case, called Thomas Inman, innkeeper and fly proprietor, West Cliff, who said: Defendant was in my employ as fly driver for 10s. per week. On the previous Tuesday I gave him notice to leave in a week; that would be on Saturday, November 20th. Defendant`s duty, when he received money, was to enter it in a book on the following day and pay it over to me. On Monday morning, the 15th, he went with his fly to Mrs. Williams, No. 10, Manor Road. I told him to go there. I never saw him again, as he did not come back. He had not booked any money taken on the Monday.

By defendant: I never saw you come to my yard. I distinctly deny it.

By the Bench: This is the first time I have seen him since.

Mrs. Emily Williams said: On the 15th November I had a fly from Mr. Inman`s to go to Shorncliffe Station. I cannot swear that the defendant was the driver on that morning. I paid the driver, whoever he was, 2s. 6d., which would be 2s. for the fare and 6d. for himself.

Mr. Inman, re-called, said he saw the defendant leave the yard with the horse and fly.

Defendant: Didn`t I come to your yard on the 17th to settle with you?

Prosecutor: No, I never saw you.

Mr. Minter applied for an adjournment in order to produce more evidence, and the case was therefore adjourned until Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 1st: Before The Mayor, Col. De Crespigny, T. Caister and J. Clark esqs.

William Croucher, a fly driver in the employ of Mr. Inman, cab proprietor, was charged on remand of embezzling 2s., the monies of his master.

The particulars of the case will be found in our police report of Saturday.

The evidence taken on Saturday having been read over by the Clerk to the Magistrates, Thomas Inman, re-called by Mr. Minter said the fare from Mrs. Williams` house to Shorncliffe was 2s.

Elizabeth Simmons said: I am in the service of Mrs. Williams. On the 15th ult. my mistress went to Shorncliffe in a cab. I saw her go away. The defendant is the man who took the box downstairs. I saw the fly, and the defendant was acting as the driver.

By the Bench: I saw defendant drive the fly away.

Thomas Taylor said: I am in the service of Mr. Inman and know the defendant.

Mr. Minter: Will you tell the Bench what you said to Mr. Inman relative to a conversation which took place between you and the defendant?

Witness: I know nothing. I have made no statement to Mr. Inman.

Mr. Minter: Did you not see defendant drive away on the day in question?

Witness: No I did not. I never said anything to Mr. Inman.

Mr. Minter: Did not defendant say anything to you?

Witness: No, sir. He only said he should keep what he had got. (Laughter)

George Winson said: I am in the employ of Mr. Inman and know defendant. When he went away on the Monday he said he should not come again. Defendant said nothing about any money.

Mr Minter: Did you hear Taylor make any statement to Mr. Inman?

Witness: No. I heard defendant say he should spend what he had got, and then he should be “straight” with Mr. Inman.

Mr. Minter applied for a remand until Saturday, which was granted by the Bench.

Folkestone Express 11-12-1875

Saturday, December 4th: Before The Mayor, Col. De Crespigny, and T. Caister Esq.

William Croucher, a flyman, was again charged on remand with embezzling 2s., the monies of his master, Mr. Inman, cab proprietor.

Mr. Till, in the absence of Mr. Minter, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Fox, of Dover, for the defendant.

Mr. Inman was re-called, and in answer to Mr. Fox, said: Defendant has been in my employ for three months. It is a general rule for my men to come and settle with me every morning. Sometimes three or even four days elapse before they settle. I always settle with them for the week on Sunday morning. I do not supply any men with books to keep their accounts in. I gave defendant notice to leave on the 9th November and the time expired on the following Saturday. I told him on that day he could come again next week as he had nothing to do. He came on the following Monday. Sometimes the men buy candles for their lamps and charge me with the amount. He was my servant for another week. Mrs. Williams gave an order for a cab on the Monday, the 15th November, to go to Shorncliffe Station. I knew the fare would be 2s. and 6d. for the man. I saw defendant go out of the yard on that day. I cannot say that I did not see him again on that day. I did not see him on the Tuesday (next day) nor on the Wednesday. I am sworn. I did not see defendant in my yard on Wednesday evening between eight and nine o`clock. I did not say to defendant on the Wednesday evening “Is that you, Bill?” I will swear that. Defendant did not say he had come up to settle. I never saw him. I did not see a man named Boxer in my yard that evening. I never spoke to him about my son. I saw Thomas Taylor in my bar on Wednesday evening. Defendant has never made a claim against me for 3s. for money paid for repairs to a lamp of mine. It was my duty to find lamps for my carriages. The men generally buy candles and charge me with them. If defendant said he had received less than was due to him, I should pay him the difference. The man would stop the money if I owed him anything. I went to defendant`s home on Tuesday evening, the 16th November, and saw his wife. She was crying.

Re-examined by Mr. Till: Defendant never made any claims against me for lamps and candles. He never came near after the Monday. Defendant did not come to me on the Tuesday or on the Wednesday. I know Boxer; he used to work for me. He was not in my yard to my knowledge. I saw Boxer and Thomas Taylor in my bar. There is a partition in the bar which would prevent me from seeing anyone behind it. I will swear that he never spoke to me. The notice expired on the Saturday, but as he came on the Monday I considered him my servant.

Mr. Fox then addressed the Bench for the defence. He said they were aware it was a serious charge – one of embezzlement – and he was sure the Bench would give their utmost attention to the facts of the case. They had heard from the prosecutor that the men were supposed to account every morning for what they had received on the previous day, but in cross-examination Mr. Inman said that sometimes went three or even four days without accounting, and at times bought candles for their lamps and stopped the money out of what they had received. If masters allowed their servants to make such matters a question of accounts, then the law provided that the remedy for the recovery of any balances lay by civil action in the County Court, and not by criminal action. In the present case there was no opportunity afforded the defendant of settling on the following Sunday because they were told that he had left on the previous Monday. He did so because he had been told by Mr. Inman that if he could not get anything else to do he was at liberty to leave. Now, he was not going to deny that the cab was sent to Mrs. Williams` house on the day in question, or that the money was paid for the fare. On the contrary, he was prepared on the part of defendant to say that Mrs. Williams did pay him 2s., and also gave him 6d. for himself, but he wished to state that if the defendant had had an opportunity of settling, the case would never have been brought before the Court. Mr. Inman had said that he never saw the defendant from the Monday in question until he saw him in Court, but he (the speaker) was prepared to bring forward witnesses who would swear that defendant went into Mr. Inman`s yard on the Tuesday night, that Mr. Inman said “Is that you, Bill?”, and that defendant said it was and he had come to settle. Another witness would also say that he saw the defendant in Mr.Inman`s bar on Wednesday night. He (the speaker) thought the statement of the prosecutor was calculated to mislead the Court. He understood that the defendant had paid 1s. for candles and 3s. for repairs done to the lamps. If that was true, then Mr. Inman was really indebted to the defendant. Defendant had lived in Folkestone many years; he bore an excellent character, and it really appeared to him (the speaker) that the prosecutor had come into Court to commit perjury.

Mr. Till said that Mr. Fox had stated it was a question of accounts, and as such could only be settled in the County Court. He was prepared to state that such was not the case, neither had it been proved to be so.

Henry Boxer: I am a fly driver, living in Folkestone. I know the defendant, and have known him for many years. He is a Folkestone man. I know Mr. Inman. On the 17th November I went with defendant to Mr. Inman`s. It was between eight and nine o`clock in the evening. Mr. Inman came into the yard and said to defendant “Hello, Bill, is that you?” Defendant said it was and he had come up to settle, or something to that effect. I did not hear Mr. Inman make any reply. He went in the house. Defendant and I followed him in. Mr. Inman came in the bar soon after we got in. He could see us, and we could see him. I should think Mr. Inman was in the bar for an hour. Mr. Inman was betting that his son could clean tripe with any man in Folkestone. Defendant and he talked together about it. There were two men there, each of whose names was Thomas Taylor. I identify this one as one I saw there.

By Mr. Till: There were five or six other people in the bar. The other Thomas Taylor was in and out during the evening. I worked for Mr. Inman once, and I left because we had a quarrel. I charged a gentleman too much money. I charged the gentleman 7s. and gave Mr. Inman 5s. That is the only way of living. (Laughter)

Re-examined by Mr. Fox: The proper fare would be 5s. and that I gave to Mr. Inman.

Thomas Taylor: I am a dairyman and grocer, living in High Street. I know prosecutor and defendant. I have known the latter for a number of years. I know nothing against him. On Wednesday evening, November 17th, I saw defendant in Mr. Inman`s bar between eight and nine o`clock. Mr. Inman came into the bar. I saw a man named Boxer there. Prosecutor and defendant spoke to each other. There was a conversation about Inman`s son being a professional hand at cleaning tripe. (Laughter) Inman offered to bet anybody that his son could clean a certain quantity of tripe in a given time. (Renewed laughter)

By Mr. Till: I have not been in the bar since. I had a glass of ale.

Mr. Till: Only one?

Witness: Well, I might have had two or three. Perhaps half a dozen. (Laughter)

Mr. Till: How long does it take you to drink half a dozen glasses of ale?

Witness: Well, that all depends. I did not time myself.

Mr. Till: What time did you leave?

Witness: About ten o`clock.

Re-examined by Mr. Fox: Mr. Inman could see the defendant. I am sure he must have done so.

Joseph Whittingham, dealer, Folkestone, said he had known defendant about twelve years, during which time he had borne an excellent character.

After a short deliberation, the Mayor said that the evidence was not satisfactory, and the charge would therefore be dismissed.

This announcement was received with applause, which was at once suppressed.

The witness Boxer applied for costs, saying he had been subpoenaed to give evidence.

The Mayor, addressing the applicant, said he was glad he had returned into Court, as he wished to speak to him. The applicant in his evidence had acknowledged charging 7s. for a cab fare, the authorised amount for which was 5s. Such conduct could not be too highly deprecated, as it did a great amount of injury to business by preventing people from taking a carriage as often as they otherwise would do. He hoped that the applicant would discontinue the practice, as if another case came under the notice of the Bench he would lose his license.

The applicant, who appeared somewhat crestfallen at the result, then left the Court.

Folkestone Chronicle 16-9-1876

The Bankruptcy Act 1869

In the County of Kent, holden at Canterbury.

In the matter of a Special Resolution for Liquidation, by arrangement, of the affairs of Thomas Inman, the elder, of the West Cliff Hotel Tap, Folkestone, Kent, Inn and Livery Stable Keeper.

The Creditors of the above named Thomas Inman, the elder, who have not already proved their debts, are required on or before the 25th day of September instant to send their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts to me, the undersigned James Pledge, of Folkestone, Kent, Auctioneer, and Trustee under the Liquidation, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Divident proposed to be declared.

Dated this 11th Day of September, 1876.


Folkestone Express 28-10-1876

Wednesday, October 25th: Before J. Tolputt Esq., Dr. Bateman, and Alderman Caister.

Application for the transfer of the license of the West Cliff Hotel Tap was made and granted.

Folkestone Express 12-1-1878

Monday, 7th January: Before R.W. Boarer and F.C. Fletcher Esqs., and General Armstrong.

John Brian, no home, was charged with begging. A constable saw him go to the Club House and ask for assistance, and he was relieved. He then went round to the West Cliff Tap, where he bought some beer, and again begged. He was drunk, and very violent when taken into custody.

He was sentenced to 21 days` with hard labour.

Folkestone Express 3-7-1880

Wednesday, June 30th: Before The Mayor, Aldermen Caister and Sherwood, W.J. Jeffreason and J. Clark Esqs.

Robert Downs was charged with using obscene language in Sandgate Road on the 29th April last.

Edmund Poynter, coachman to Sir Henry Hunt, said on the 29th April he saw the prisoner at the West Cliff Tap about half past one. There had been an argument between defendant and another man and they asked witness`s opinion, which he gave. Defendant then commenced to abuse him in the most violent manner, and followed him into the street and wanted to fight.

He was fined 10s. and 11s. 6d. costs, or 14 days` imprisonment in default, with hard labour.

The Mayor thanked the prosecutor for proceeding with the case, the defendant having absconded and been apprehended on a warrant.

Folkestone Express 6-8-1887

Wednesday, August 3rd: Before General Armstrong, Alderman Banks and Surgeon General Gilbourne.

The licence of the West Cliff Hotel Tap was transferred from Mr. C.W. Wedderburn to Mr. C. Lord.

Folkestone Chronicle 15-10-1887

Thursday, October 13th: Before J. Fitness, J. Clark and J. Ward Esqs.

Mary Mitchell, and old woman, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at the West Cliff Shades on Wednesday.

The case was proved by Sergeant Harman, and prisoner was fined 5s. and 4s. 6d. costs, or seven days`.

Folkestone Chronicle 13-10-1888

Monday, October 8th: Before The Mayor, Alderman Sherwood, J. Holden Esq., and Captain Carter.

John Roach, a sailor, belonging to H.M. Depot Ship Pembroke, of Chatham, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly and resisting the police in Christ Church Road on the previous Saturday.

P.C. W. Knott stated that he saw the defendant trying to get in to the West Cliff Shades, and as he was refused, he became very noisy. He was alone. The constable advised him to go away, but he refused to do so. His language was most obscene, and when taken into custody he became very violent. In the struggle they both fell to the ground, and the defendant tor the collar of the constable`s greatcoat (produced), and also struck him a severe blow in the face. It was only with the assistance of the military police that he was taken to the police station.

The defendant pleaded Guilty and expressed his sorrow at the occurrence. He did not know anything about it until he found himself in the police station on the following morning. He had never been in trouble before and had good conduct badges.

The Bench inflicted a fine of 5s. for being drunk, and 3s. 6d. costs; also 5s. for being disorderly and resisting the police, and 3s. 6d. costs.

The defendant paid the money, and also for the damage to the coat, 1s. 
Folkestone Chronicle 16-3-1889

Local News

At the Folkestone police court on Monday, before Dr. Bateman and Messrs. Hoad and Fitness, Ann Norley was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Sandgate Road on Sunday night.

Sergeant Harman preferred the charge, to which the prisoner pleaded Guilty and made a rambling statement, describing herself as a cook, and living with a lady in the Sandgate Road.

She was very comfortable in her situation, and went out on Sunday to see her sister. She went into the West Cliff Tap – wasn`t in there more than an hour - (Laughter) – and had a few glasses of stout – not many.

Dr. Bateman said the prisoner would be fined 5s. and 3s. 6d. costs, or seven days` imprisonment.

Prisoner: I`ve spent nearly all my money, sir. I`ve got fourpence. (Laughter)

A distraint warrant was ordered to be issued on her goods, if she had any.

Folkestone Express 16-3-1889

Monday, March 12th: Before Dr. Bateman, J. Hoad and J. Fitness Esqs.

Ann Norley was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Sandgate Road on Sunday night.

Sergt. Harman said the prisoner was very drunk and in company with about six soldiers. He requested her to go home, but she refused. He followed her as far as Mr. Fitness`s.

Prisoner said she was a cook and had a place in Clifton Gardens. She went out on Sunday to have tea with a friend.

The Magistrates` Clerk: You had something stronger than tea.

Prisoner admitted that she went to the West Cliff Shades and “had a lot of stout”.

She was fined 5s. and 3s. 6d. costs, and responded: “Oh, I haven`t got any money. I have been a widow six years. I haven`t got any money except 3d. I spent all the other. My clothes are at Clifton Gardens”.

She was ordered to be detained while a distress warrant was issued, and in default of goods being found, ordered seven days` hard labour.

Folkestone Chronicle 27-2-1897

Saturday, February 20th: Before The Mayor, Messrs. J. Pledge, G. Spurgen, T.J. Vaughan, and J. Holden.

Mr. John Burgess was granted permission to sell at the West Cliff Hotel Tap.

Note: This does not appear in More Bastions
Folkestone Express 27-2-1897

Saturday, February 20th: Before The Mayor, Aldermen Pledge and Spurgen, and J. Holden and T.J. Vaughan Esqs.

The licence of the West Cliff Tap was transferred to Mr. Bercheson (sic).

Note: This doest not appear in More Bastions.

Folkestone Chronicle 13-3-1897

Wednesday, March 10th: Before Messrs. W.G. Herbert, C.J. Pursey, and J. Pledge.

Mr. Burgess was granted the transfer of the licence of the West Cliff Hotel Tap.

Note: This transfer does not appear in More Bastions.

Folkestone Express 25-9-1897

Adjourned Brewster Sessions

Wednesday, September 22nd: Before J. Fitness, W.G. Herbert, C.J. Pursey, J. Pledge, and H.D. Stock Esqs.

The West Cliff Shades

The licence of these premises was transferred to Mr. William Patrick Barrett

Note: No record of this in More Bastions.

Folkestone Herald 25-9-1897

Police Court Report

On Wednesday – Mr. Fitness presiding – a temporary authority was granted to Mr. Patrick Parrett, of the West Cliff Shades.

Note: This does not appear in More Bastions.
 Folkestone Chronicle 9-10-1897

Saturday, October 2nd: Before The Mayor and Messrs. J. Fitness, J. Pledge, J. Holden, T.J. Vaughan, and J. Hoad.

The licence of the West Cliff Shades was transferred to Mr. Schultz of the Paris Hotel.

Folkestone Express 9-10-1897

Saturday, October 2nd: Before The Mayor, Alderman Pledge, T.J. Vaughan and J. Holden Esqs.

The licence of the West Cliff Shades was transferred to Mr. Schultz.

Folkestone Chronicle 11-12-1897

Wednesday, December 8th: Before The Mayor, Messrs. J. Fitness, and W.G. Herbert.

Mr. Schultz  of the was granted the transfer of the licence of the West Cliff Shades

Folkestone Express 11-12-1897

Wednesday, December 8th: Before The Mayor, J. Fitness, and W.G. Herbert Esqs.

The licence of the West Cliff Shades was transferred to Mr. Schultz 

Folkestone Herald 11-12-1897

Local News

The following licence was transferred on Wednesday at the sitting of the Folkestone Justices: West Cliff Shades to Mr. Schultz 

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