Map taken from Folkestone Herald |
Kentish Gazette 11-3-1775
On Tuesday last died at Folkestone, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with great fortitude and patience, Mr. Tho. Baker, brewer, and one of the Jurats of that town.
Kentish Gazette 18-8-1784
Advertisement extract: To be sold by auction, sometime in the month of September next, the time and place of which notice will be given in this paper, (unless the premises should in the meantime be disposed of by private contract), the following freehold and copyhold estates, viz;
Lot 1 A messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances in Folkestone, lying at the back part of the Three Compasses, and now in the occupation of the widow Godden.
The three first lots are copyhold, and the rest freehold, being the estate late belonging to Mr. Thomas Baker, Brewer, of Folkestone aforesaid, deceased.
For particulars enquire of Mrs. Ann Baker, or of Mr. John Baker, Brewer, at Folkestone aforesaid.
And all persons to whom the said Thomas Baker stood indebted at the time of his decease are desired to send an account thereof to the said Ann Baker or John Baker, in order that they may be discharged. And all persons indebted to the estate and effects of the said Thomas Baker are desired forthwith to pay the same into the hands of the said Ann Baker or John Baker, or they will be sued for the same without further notice.
The sale actually took place on 2nd October at the Marquis of