Thanks And Acknowledgements

My thanks go to Kent Libraries and Archives - Folkestone Library and also to the archive of the Folkestone Herald. For articles from the Folkestone Observer, my thanks go to the Kent Messenger Group. Southeastern Gazette articles are from UKPress Online, and Kentish Gazette articles are from the British Newspaper Archive. See links below.

Paul Skelton`s great site for research on pubs in Kent is also linked

Other sites which may be of interest are the Folkestone and District Local History Society, the Kent History Forum, Christine Warren`s fascinating site, Folkestone Then And Now, and Step Short, where I originally found the photo of the bomb-damaged former Langton`s Brewery, links also below.


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Core dates and information on licensees tenure are taken from Martin Easdown and Eamonn Rooney`s two fine books on the pubs of Folkestone, Tales From The Tap Room and More Tales From The Tap Room - unfortunately now out of print. Dates for the tenure of licensees are taken from the very limited editions called Bastions Of The Bar and More Bastions Of The Bar, which were given free to very early purchasers of the books.

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Monday, 23 December 2024

Bricklayers` Arms, Great Fenchurch Street 1838 - 1908

Former Bricklayers` Arms, c1928, on left. Credit Folkestone Library


John Pope 1838 1850
Mr. Watch 1850 1852
Robert Winch 1852
George Kennett 1852 1858
William Wormwell 1859 1859
Joseph Bromley 1859 1867 To Dew Drop Inn
William Peel 1867 c1871
Anne Whiting c1871 1884(1871 Census)
Joseph Whiting 1884 1906
Frances Whiting 1906 1907
Joseph Wormald 1907 1908

Dover Chronicle 28-5-1842

Dover Police, yesterday: James Austen, a tall, raw-boned urchin, about 18, was charged with carrying, conveying, and concealing, on Wednesday last, 3½ gallons of foreign brandy, contrary to the statute. He pleaded Not Guilty. By the testimony of James Wittingstall it appeared that the defendant was seen carrying a trunk, which he (witness) immediately traced and found it in the Romney mail cart while it was standing in Bench Street, previous to it starting for the west. On taking the trunk from the mail cart and opening it witness found it to contain six bladders of brandy. Defendant seemed surprised at the discovery, and said the trunk was left at Mr. Rayner`s (his master`s) house, and said that Mr. Rayner had told him to take it to the mail. Defendant said he did not know what the trunk contained, and he (witness) thought he did not seem to know.

The trunk was addressed to “Mr. Collins, to be left at Mr. Pope`s, Bricklayers Arms, Folkestone”, but the direction was altogether ficticious. Witness did not see defendant put the box into the mail, but could swear the box seized was the one he saw defendant carrying.

The defendant`s master, Mr. Rayner, was examined as a witness, and admitted that he directed Austen to take the box to the mail, but denied having any knowledge of its contents.

The case was dismissed, defendant being (it was believed) ignorant of what the box contained.

Dover Telegraph 28-5-1842

Dover Police, Friday.

James Austen, charged with an offence against the Excise. James Whittingstall, a drop boatman in the Excise, said: On Tuesday morning, about half past five, I saw Austen carrying a trunk in Beach Street, when he turned a corner leading to Rayner`s stable. I followed and opened the fore part of the Romney mail cart, which was standing in the yard, where I found the trunk, which I examined and found therein six bladders, containing about four gallons of spirits of brandy. Austen was there when I examined the trunk. I asked him where he brought it from, and he replied a man left it at his master`s (Mr. Rayner`s) house the night previous, about nine o`clock, and that his master told him to take it to the mail cart, which he did, and put it in the cart.

By Mr. Kennett: When I went to search I asked what the trunk contained, and Austen said he did not know. He offered no resistance, and was very civil.

Mr. Bayford produced the direction on the box, which was addressed “To Mrs. Collins, to be left at the Bricklayers Arms, Folkestone”. He had since made enquiries, and found out the address was fictitious. He knew the handwriting very well, as he had seen it on many previous occasions.

Mr. Cotton, Collector of H.M. Customs, said he considered, after this evidence, the information for illegally carrying was fully sustained, although he felt satisfied that the defendant was unacquainted with the contents of the trunk, which would be represented to the Board of Customs.

Mr. Rayner was then called and said: The trunk was left at my house that morning about 5 o`clock by some man who called out “Rayner, I`ve got a box for you to take to Folkestone”. I told him to leave it in the passage, and when I came down I told Austen to take it to the yard.

By Mr. Kennett: I do not believe Austen knew the contents, nor did I, so help me God.

The Bench, after a consultation, dismissed the case, believing the defendant had no knowledge of the contents of the trunk. 

Dover Chronicle 13-1-1844

The annual meeting of the Folkestone £10 Burial Society was held on Thursday evening at the Bricklayers Arms, Fancy Street; Mr. Viney, President, in the chair. We are sorry to say but few of the members attended. The abstract of the Treasurer`s accounts is very flattering – all demands paid, and £13 in hand; in addition to which we would notice that during the past year, of upwards of 500 members, the deaths have been but six – a remarkable proof of the health of the members.

Canterbury Weekly Journal 26-4-1845 

An inquest was held on Monday last at the Bricklayer`s Arms, Fancy Street, before J.J. Bond Esq., Coroner, and a respectable jury, on the body of Thomas Dorrell, who died on the previous day in consequence of an accident. The jury found “That the deceased`s death had been accidentally caused by concussion of the brain, falling from a height to the ground”.

Maidstone Gazette 22-4-1845, Dover Telegraph 26-4-1845

On Monday last an inquest was held at the Bricklayers Arms, Fancy Street, before J.J. Bond Esq., and a respectable jury, on the body of Thomas Dorrell, who died on the previous day in consequence of an accident by falling from the new works into the harbour. The jury found “That the deceased`s death had been accidentally caused by concussion of the brain, falling a height from the ground”.

Kentish Mercury 26-4-1845

On Monday last an inquest was held at the Bricklayers Arms, Fenchurch Street, before J.J. Bond Esq., Coroner, and a respectable jury, on the body of Thomas Dorrell, who died on the previous day, in consequence of an accident as reported in our paper of last week. The jury found “that the deceased`s death had been occasioned by concussion of the brain, falling from a height to the ground”

Note: There was no Folkestone news reported in the previous week`s paper.

Canterbury Journal 9-9-1848

Court of Bankruptcy, Sept. 4: Re. Richards, Folkestone.

This was the first meeting for the proof of debts and choice of assignees under the of Thomas Richards, of Mill Lane, Folkestone, brewer, &c. Mr. Bower, of Chancery Lane, agent for Mr. Hart, of Folkestone, attended as solicitor to the fiat, which was issued on the 16th of August last, upon the petition of Mr. John Isaac Pope, of Folkestone, builder, a creditor for £77 17s.

It appeared that the bankrupt packed up his furniture and property on the 16th of August last, and was assisted by G. Fynn, a labouring man, to remove it to the railway for London, when the present summary mode of taking possession of it was adopted by Mr. Pope, the petitioning creditor.

After the admission of several proofs, Mr. Pope was chosen assignee, and accepted the choice, and further proceedings were adjourned until the 13th October next, on which day the bankrupt must come up to pass his last examination.

Protection was granted the bankrupt in the interim.

Viaduct Brewery, most likely Mill Bay.

Dover Telegraph 21-10-1848, Canterbury Weekly Journal 28-10-1848

Court of Bankruptcy: Re. Richards, Folkestone.

The bankrupt, Thomas Richards, of Mill Lane, Folkestone, Kent, brewer and beer seller, came up on Friday, as that day had been fixed for him to pass his last examination

Mr. Bower, of Chancery Lane, agent for Mr. Hart, of Folkestone, solicitor, attended on behalf of the trade assignee, Mr. J.I. Pope, of Fancy Street, Folkestone, builder, whose debt is £77 17s.

It appeared that the bankrupt was not prepared with his accounts and had not filed any balance sheet, and the Court, with the consent of the assignees, adjourned his examination until the 17th November next. The debts proved at this meeting were about £340.

Dover Telegraph 2-6-1849, Kentish Gazette, Maidstone Gazette, Maidstone Journal 5-6-1849 

Auction Extract:

Canterbury: Important sale of the extensive brewery of Messrs. Flint, including thirty old-established inns and public houses. Mr. V.J. Collier has received instructions to sell by auction, at the Fountain Hotel, Canterbury, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 26th and 27th of June, at twelve o`clock each day (in consequence of the death of the senior acting Partner and the retirement of the surviving Partners), the valuable property known as Messrs. Flint`s Brewery, in Stour Street, Canterbury, and the inns, public houses, and other valuable property connected therewith 

The second day`s sale, on Wednesday, 27th June, will comprise the following property:

Lot 46 – The Lord Nelson, Radnor Street, near the harbour, Folkestone – Freehold

Lot 47 – The Bricklayers` Arms, Fancy Street, Folkestone - Freehold

The Public Houses are for the most part in the occupation of unexceptionable tenants, and the majority of them are doing trades, both in beer and spirits, considerably above the average run of country houses, (none of them here been beer-shops; they are old licensed houses, with connections of long standing, thereby affording ample security for the permanence of the trade.

The premises generally are in a superior state of repair.

Particulars and plans (price 1s. Each) may be had of Messrs. Furleys & Mercer Solicitors, Canterbury; at the Fountain Hotel; and of Mr. V. J. Collier, 3, Moorgate Street, London.

Canterbury Journal 30-6-1849 

The sale of the extensive premises of Messrs. Flint, brewers, of this city, took place on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Fountain Hotel. The competition for most of the lots was very keen. The following is a statement of the result.

Lord Nelson, Folkestone, £360, Mr. Ash: Bricklayers Arms, not sold. 

Kentish Gazette 3-7-1849 

Messrs. Flint`s  Property: The sale of the extensive property of Messrs. Flint, brewers, Stour Street, Canterbury, took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, at the Royal Fountain Hotel, under the able administration of Mr. V.J. Collier. The sale room was crowded by respectable company, and the competition for most of the lots was very keen. At the close the auctioneer received many compliments for the gentlemanly and straightforward manner in which he conducted the business throughout. The following is a statement of the result:

Second day`s sale:

Lot 46 Lord Nelson, Folkestone £300 Mr. Ash

Lot 47 Bricklayers` Arms, Folkestone Not sold

Dover Chronicle 11-5-1850

Dover Petty Sessions, Monday, before the Mayor, and C.B. Wilkins and W. Cocke Esqs.

George Marley, a joiner, residing at Folkestone, was brought up on suspicion of being concerned in stealing a cigar case, value 1s., from the Fountain Inn, Market Place, Dover.

Mr. Henry Church, prosecutor, stated that on the day previous four young men came into his house and called for refreshment, with which they were supplied. The cigar case was then in the room. The parties stopped about ten minutes, and soon after they had left he missed the case. He gave information to the police, and the parties (who, it appeared, had remained in the town about an hour or two afterwards) were traced to the railway terminus, from which they started for Folkestone, only a few minutes before the police arrived there in search of them. This morning Marley, one of the party, came to the prosecutor`s house with the case, which he wished to deliver up, but prosecutor, having informed the police of the affair, considered no compromise could be made, and refused to receive the box. A policeman being called in, the box was given to him, and Marley was taken into custody.

Marley, on being called upon for a reply to the charge, said that he, with three others, visited the Fountain to obtain refreshment on their arrival from Folkestone. They remained there about 10 minutes, during which one of the party, named Hutchings, took the cigar case from the mantel but, being immediately remonstrated with for meddling with other people`s property, he replaced it, where he (Marley) supposed it was remaining when they left the house. In one hour afterwards, Hutchings (who must have retaken it unseen by any of the party) produced it from his pocket. Marley adverted to the impropriety of Hutchings`s conduct, and advised that they should all return to the Fountain, and by having more refreshment endeavour during the time that would elapse to replace the abstracted article, without awakening any unpleasant suspicion in the mind of the landlord. The suggestion, however, was not attended to, and it was hinted that it would be better to destroy the case. To this Marley would not consent, and proposed that they should adjourn to some house in the vicinity of the terminus and, after packing it up, forward it to the owner. Hutchings dissented, saying the case must either be destroyed or taken from Dover. They left, by rail, for Folkestone, and there, between 9 and 10 o`clock, Hutchings delivered the box to Marley, to forward it to Dover, as he himself should not have an opportunity of doing so, in consequence of having to go to work at Newington, some five miles from Folkestone. Marley took the case, and on Monday morning, fearing that to retain too long possession of it might place him in an awkward position, he hired a fly, at an expense of 8s., to convey him to Dover, where he arrived at an early hour, and immediately proceeded to the Fountain, when his interview resulted as stated by the prosecutor.

The Bench were disposed to credit the statement of Marley, but decided on adjourning the case till next day, in order to have the other parties brought from Folkestone.

Tuesday, before C.B. Wilkins and W. Cocke Esqs.

George Marley, James Hutchings, John Welch and Jas. Williams, the parties connected with the cigar case brought before the Bench on Monday appeared today. Hutchings (whose friends reside at Deal) stated that he found the box in his possession when he returned to Folkestone, but as he was intoxicated he had no recollection of taking it from the Fountain. The others said they were innocent of the transaction, through which they had been much inconvenienced.

Welch said that he himself kept a public house at Folkestone, and if a case of this kind had taken place there he should not have taken any notice of it had anyone returned the missing article, as Marley had done in the present instance.

The Bench remarked that it would seem as if the innocent had been hardly dealt with, but the steps taken had been considered necessary. Those who had no part in taking away the box ought to have seen that it was returned before leaving the town, as they were aware of it being in Hutchings`s possession. They hoped the inconvenience to which they had been put would operate as a caution as to whom they associated with in future.

After a full explanation had taken place, Mr. Church declined to press the charge.

As Hutchings consented to pay the whole of the expenses incurred, the case was not further proceeded with, the Magistrates reminding him that he had escaped being committed for trial.

Dover Telegraph 11-5-1850

Dover Petty Sessions, Monday, before the Mayor, and C.B. Wilkins and W. Cocke Esqs.

George Marley, a joiner, residing at Folkestone, was brought up on suspicion of being a party to the stealing a cigar case, value 1s., from a room in the Fountain Inn, Market Place, Dover.

Mr. Henry Church, prosecutor, stated that on the previous day four young men came into his house and called for some refreshment, with which they were supplied. The cigar case was then in the room. The parties stopped about ten minutes, and almost immediately after they were gone the case was missed, of which information was given to the police, and the parties (who appeared to have remained in Dover nearly two hours after the transaction) were ultimately traced to the railway station, from which they had taken their departure for Folkestone, but a few minutes before the arrival at the Dover station of the police in search of them. This morning Marley, one of the four, came to the Fountain with the box in his possession, which he wished to deliver up, but as witness had already put the affair into the hands of the police, he considered no compromise could take place, and declined receiving the box. A police officer after attended, by whom the box and Marley were taken into custody.

Marley, on being called for a statement in reply to the charge, said that, as observed by Mr. Church, he, with three others, visited the Fountain to obtain refreshment, having previously just from Folkestone. They stayed at the inn about 10 minutes, during which one of the party, whom he had heard called Hutchings, took the case from the mantel, remarking at the time that “it was a very handy concern” &c. Some remonstrance in reference to meddling with other people`s property induced Hutchings to replace the case on the mantel, where  Marley supposed it was remaining when they left the house, and for an hour afterwards, when Hutchings, who unseen by any of the others had again taken it from the mantel, produced it from his pocket. Marley adverted to the impropriety of Hutchings`s conduct, and advised that all return to the Fountain, and by having more refreshment endeavour during the time that would elapse to replace the abstracted article, without awakening any unpleasant suspicion in the mind of the landlord.  Either from fear or shame, or some other cause, the suggestion was not attended to, and it was hinted that it would be better to destroy the case. To this Marley would not consent, and proposed adjournment to some house in the vicinity of the terminus, where the case might be packed in paper, and forthwith forwarded to its owner. Hutchings dissented to the proposition, saying the case must either be destroyed or taken from Dover. The party then proceeded by railway for Folkestone, and there, between 9 and 10 o`clock, Hutchings delivered the case to Marley, to forward it to Dover, as he himself should not have an opportunity of returning it, in consequence of having to go to work at Newington, some 5 miles from Folkestone.

Marley took the case, and on Monday morning, fearing that to retain too long possession might place him in a rather awkward position, he specially hired a fly, at an expense of 8s., to carry him to Dover, where he arrived at an early hour, and immediately proceeded to the Fountain, when his interview resulted as detailed in the evidence of the prosecutor.

The Bench were disposed to credit the statements of Marley, but as they were unsupported by confirmatory evidence, it was considered necessary for the ends of justice that the other parties should be brought forward, and Marley was subsequently liberated on bail till Tuesday, Sergeant Back and Police Constable Pine being in the interim despatched to Folkestone for the attendance of the other three, who in the course of the day were brought to Dover, and safely lodged in the police station overnight, to brood over the unpleasant and discreditable position into which three guiltless men had been placed by the disreputable praksa of a fourth.

Tuesday, before C.B. Wilkins and W. Cocke Esqs.

George Marley, James Hutchings, John Welch and James Williams, the parties connected with the cigar case brought before the Magistrates on Monday appeared before the Bench today. Hutchings admitted that he found the box in his possession when he returned to Folkestone, but being intoxicated he was hardly conscious of having taken it from the Fountain. The others said they were unconscious of the transaction, and through it had been put to great inconvenience.

Welch remarked that he himself kept a public house at Folkestone, and if a similar case had occurred there he should have looked over it had anyone returned the missing article, as Marley had done in the present instance.

The Bench observed that it would seem as if the innocent had been hardly dealt with, but the steps taken had been necessary and proper. Those who had no part in taking away the box ought to have persisted in it being returned ere they left Dover, as they were aware, before their return to Folkestone, of its being in the possession of Hutchings. It was to be hoped that the inconvenience to which they had been put would operate as a caution with respect to whom they associated with for the future.

After a full explanation had taken place, Mr. Church declined to press the charge, and Hutchings consenting to pay the expenses incurred by the Police in going to Folkestone, &c., the case was no further proceeded with, the Magistrates reminding the only offender that he had narrowly escaped being committed for trial.

We have since heard that Hutchings has agreed to refund the disbursements by Marley on Monday. As the whole were involved in disgrace by Hutchings, he certainly could not do less than pay the expenses throughout.

Maidstone Gazette 18-2-1851

Petty Sessions; Before R. Hart Esq., Mayor, S. Mackie, W. Bateman, W. Major, T. Golder and J. Bateman Esqs.

There were six publicans charged by the police with serving beer, &c., contrary to the law. Mr. R.T. Brockman appeared for the Watch Committee; Mr. Delasaux (Canterbury) for several of the defendants.

James Hall, Old Marquis of Granby, was charged on the information of police constable Collins with serving beer before the hour of half past twelve o`clock p.m., on Sunday, the 2nd instant. Police constable Collins having proved the case, the Mayor addressed the defendant, telling him that the only object of the magistrates was to keep the town in an orderly and proper manner. The magistrates or the police were not actuated by any ill-feeling towards him or anyone else in his business, but they felt that the law had been disregarded, and that it was necessary now for all parties that the public houses should not now do as they had done; the Bench taking all circumstances into consideration, would mitigate the penalty to 1s. and costs.

Note: The name “Old” Marquis of Granby suggests that this was the house in the High Street. However, at the time of the 1851 Census, he was in Radnor Street at what was the Ship, the name of which was crossed out and Marquis of Granby overwritten. Also, the Post Office Directory for 1851, information for which would most likely have been compiled in 1850, has him at the Marquis of Granby in Radnor Street. I feel, therefore, that this report refers to the Marquis of Granby, Radnor Street.

John Welch, Bricklayers Arms, for a similar offence, was fined 1s. and costs.

Margaret Harrison, Lord Nelson, was similarly fined.

The case against William Burvill, Carrier`s Arms beer shop, was dismissed, for want of sufficient evidence.

William Vigor, Rose Inn, for a similar offence, was fined 1s. and costs.

Maidstone Gazette 10-6-1851

Advertisement: Folkestone, to be let and entered on immediately, an excellent public house in the above improving town; the rent is low, and more than made by lodgers/ Fixtures, &c., to be taken at a valuation.

Apply at the Bricklayers Arms, Fancy Street, Folkestone.

Southeastern Gazette 20-4-1852

Wednesday, April 14th: Before W. Major and S. Mackie Esqs.

The following licence was transferred: From John Welch, Bricklayers Arms, to Robert Winch, late of Barham.

Notes: Date for Welch is at variance with More Bastions, and no record of Winch. 

Southeastern Gazette 27-2-1855

Local News

Petty Sessions: Before W. Major and Wm. Kelcey, Esqs.

George Kennett, landlord of the Bricklayer’s Arms, Fancy-street, was summoned for an assault on Wm. Hobday, a carpenter, on the morning of the 15th inst.

It appeared that the complainant, with several others, called at the above-named house about 1 o’clock, and after partaking of several glasses of brandy and water, a dispute arose respecting the payment of three glasses, when the landlord (who appeared a powerful man) took his coat off, tucked up his shirt sleeves, and stating that if they did not pay him he would pay them, struck Hobday a severe blow on the eye and another on the side of the head, as he was sitting in his chair.

Several witnesses were called, clearly proving that the complainant had given no offence, and had paid for what he had as it came in.

The magistrates fined the defendant in the full penalty of £5, at the same time giving him a severe reprimand; being the landlord, it was his duty to have done all in his power to have prevented a breach of the peace, and he was given to understand that it would not be forgotten next licensing day.

Southeastern Gazette 10-8-1858

Local News

On Wednesday, George Kennett, of the Bricklayers’ Arms, Fancy Street, was charged with having his house open for the sale of beer at 11 o’clock a.m., on Sunday. Six persons were found in the tap-room, with a quart jug of beer, by police-constable Swain.

Fined 20s. and costs.

Southeastern Gazette 31-8-1858

Wednesday: Before the Mayor and J. Kelcey, Esq.

George Kennett, landlord of the Bricklayers’ Arms, Fancy Street, was summoned for refusing to admit police.

Sergeant Newman and constable Ovenden, who had gone to the house at 12 o’clock at night, in consequenece of having heard a noise of several persons talking inside.

He had incurred a penalty of £5, but the magistrates reduced it to £1 6s.

Wednesday: Before the Mayor and J. Kelcey, Esq.

The license of George Kennett, Bricklayer’s Arms, Fancy Street, was refused

Folkestone Chronicle 2-10-1858

Wednesday September 29th:- Before the Mayor, G. Kennicott and W. Major esqs.

This was the adjourned licencing day.  The licence of George Kennett, Bricklayer`s Arms, Fancy Street, was refused.

Canterbury Journal 9-10-1858

At the sitting of the Magistrates on Wednesday, the following licenses were transferred: The Bellevue Tavern, from William Hills to Charles Griggs; The Princess Royal, South Street, from William Tumber to Edward Sturges; and the Duke of York, Sandgate, from William Wood to Richard Graves Wood. The license of George Kennett, Bricklayers Arms, Fancy Street, was refused.  John Dent, of London, applied for a license for the London Stores, wine and spirit vaults, Bail Street, was refused, he having failed to comply with the requirements of the Bench, in producing a certificate of character from where he last resided.

Southeastern Gazette 26-10-1858

Local News

The licence of the Bricklayers’ Arms public-house, Fancy Street, which had been refused to Mr. Kennett by the magistrates at the adjourned licensing day, was now granted to William Wornwell, of Dover.

Note:  Date is at variance with More Bastions. No mention of Wornwell.

Southeastern Gazette 22-2-1859

Local News

At the Petty Sessions on Wednesday, the licence of the, Brioklayer’s Arms, Fancy Street, was transferred from Wm. Wormwell to Joseph Bromley. 
Folkestone Chronicle 15-6-1861

Thursday June 13th:- Before Captain Kennicott, William Major and James Tolputt Esqs.

George Kennett was brought up on a warrant charged with assaulting his wife.

Ann Holness deposed that on last Saturday week she saw the prisoner push his wife out of doors, previously to which she had heard blows struck. The wife went home to her father`s at Uphill, where she remains in a very precarious state.

Prisoner was admitted to bail until Saturday, the wife being too ill to attend.

Note: Kennett was previously at Bricklayer`s Arms

Folkestone Observer 15-6-1861

Thursday June 13th:- Before Captain Kennicott R.N., W. Major, and J. Tolputt Esqs.

Aggravated Assault On A Wife

George Kennett, brickmaker, and formerly landlord of the Brickmaker`s Arms (sic), Fancy Street, was charged with viciously assaulting his wife.

Ann Holness deposed that she lived in New Zealand, Folkestone, near to the prisoner`s house. About half past seven o`clock of the evening of Saturday week (June 1st), she was outside the door of her house. She heard blows inside the prisoner`s house, and heard the prisoner`s wife call out “Oh don`t”. Shortly afterwards the prisoner opened the door, took hold of his wife by the shoulder and pushed her into the street, calling to her to go and fetch a policeman, and when he came he would split his nose down with a poker. He looked as if he had been drinking.

Ann Hayward also heard the blows, and also heard the wife exclaim, “Oh don`t kick me”.

The magistrates remanded the prisoner until Saturday, consenting to take bail, himself in £10, and one surety in £10. His brother became his surety, and he was liberated.

The poor woman, who is very ill from the effects of her husband`s treatment, could not make her appearance at the court, and hence the remand.

Folkestone Chronicle 22-6-1861

Saturday July 15th:- Before the Mayor, Captain Kennicott R.N., W. Major. W.F. Browell and A.M. Leith Esqs.

George Kennett was brought up on remand, charged under the 16th and 17th Victoria, with an aggravated assault on his wife.

Mr. Minter appeared for defendant.

Hannah Hayward deposed that she heard blows struck in the prisoner`s house; heard complainant say “Oh, George, do not kick me”.

Harriett Kennett, who appeared very weak, and who was accommodated with a chair whilst giving her evidence, said she was the wife of defendant. On Saturday, between 7 and 8 in the evening, defendant came home, and without any provocation he thrashed me very much with a strap, and turned me out of doors. He struck me all over and kicked me; he was very spiteful. I went to my brother`s house. I have been ill and nervous ever since. When defendant struck me he said he would be the death of me. I have had no medical advice, but medicine from Mr. Hammon.

Complainant was then cross-examined by Mr. Minter, who elicited from her that she had put on her bonnet and shawl after she was beaten, and that she walked as far as Arpinge afterwards, and that she spent some time on the road at the Red Cow, with her brother, and that she had had a fit lately.

Mr. Minter then addressed the bench for the defendant, and submitted there was no evidence to substantiate the aggravated assault, but would not struggle against a conviction for common assault.

The Mayor said, after a short consultation with his brother magistrates, that they had taken a very lenient view of the case against defendant, and had come to the resolution to fine him 10s. and 11s. 6d. costs, and hoped it would be a warning to him for the future.

Folkestone Observer 22-6-1861

Saturday June 15th:- Before the Mayor, Capt. Kennicott, R.N., and W. Major, W.F. Browell, J. Tolputt and A.M. Leith Esqs.

Assault on a wife

George Kennett, (remanded on a charge of assaulting his wife), was brought up, and the evidence of his wife was taken. Mr. Minter appeared for the prisoner.

Harriett Kennett said she was the wife of the prisoner. Between seven and eight o`clock in the evening of that day fortnight her husband came to her house in New Zealand. He thrashed her about very much with a strap, and turned her out of doors. He hit her all over with the strap, and kicked her very spitefully. He told her not to come back to the house any more, and she went to her brother`s house. She was very ill and nervous after she got home. The marks of the blows were still on her person. Several times he declared he would be the death of her. She had since been living with her father at Uphill.

Cross-examined by Mr. Minter – She could not tell why her husband struck her. She had been suffering in her health from the blows received from her husband. When he turned her out of doors he took her violently by the shoulders. Her present weakness was caused by the beating she received. She was subject to fits, and sometimes fell down and bruised herself. In reply to Mr. Browell, witness stated she had had one of these fits lately.

Mr. Minter, addressing the bench, said that if the bench would take the case as a common assault, the prisoner would be willing to pay any fine that might be imposed, because no doubt he had put his wife out of the house; but if the bench deemed the case to be one coming under the provisions of the Act for Aggravated Assaults, he should call evidence to rebut the allegations of excessive violence.

The Bench then convicted the prisoner of a common assault, fining him 10s. with 11s 6d costs, or one month`s imprisonment.

Folkestone Observer 12-12-1863

Tuesday December 8th: Before the Mayor, J. Kelcey and R.W. Boarer Esq.

James Lennard was charged with being drunk and riotous in Seagate Street.

P.C. Hills said: This morning, about 2 o`clock, I saw the prisoner coming down Dover Street, hallooing and shouting. I asked him if he had any lodgings. He said he had had lodgings in the Bricklayer`s Arms. I told him to go to his lodgings. He did not go, and therefore took him into custody and brought him to the station. He was drunk and making a great noise.

Prisoner said in reply to the Mayor: I came from Yorkshire. I am a hatter by trade. I travel about and clean hats and old clothes. I can earn 4s. or 5s. per day when fully employed.

He was discharged with a caution.

Canterbury Weekly Journal 6-8-1864, East Kent Times 12-8-1864

The following letter was received a day or two ago by Mr. Ladd, news agent, of Canterbury:

July 29 1864

Sir, I have lost my wife from Folkestone. I am verrey poor and I am prswaded to send to you in hopese you will try and advertise for hear name is Elizabeth Macken. I live at Mr. Broely, Fancey Street, at the Bricklairs Armns, Folkestone, Kent. Sir, I have a gentleman will looke in your newspaper for me. I remain your humble servant, Charles Macken, Folkestone.

Folkestone Observer 24-12-1864

Wednesday December 21st:- Before Captain Kennicott R.N. and James Tolputt Esq.

Elizabeth Cox was charged with drunkenness, rioting and obscenity.

P.C. Swain said he was called into the Bricklayer`s Arms on Saturday last and requested by the landlord to remove the prisoner because she was making a disturbance in the house. Prisoner then left the house. She was drunk. He saw her later in Queen Square, and a a quarter to one on Sunday morning she was in High Street, using very obscene language towards a man, and he took her into custody.

Fined 1s. or seven days` imprisonment for each offence.

Folkestone Observer 17-8-1866

Wednesday August 15th:- Before Captain Kennicott R.N. and James Tolputt Esq.

Henri Bertrand and Charles Soissons, well educated Frenchmen, who have lately been exhibiting in this neighbourhood, and very cleverly, in the line of the Brothers Davenport, were charged with breaking into the dwelling house of Jacob Wratten, at Stanford, on the 13th of August, and stealing sundry articles.

Mr. Olivier was sworn as interpreter.

P.C. Swain received information yesterday morning from the county police that there had been a robbery at a house in Stanford, and a quantity of wearing apparel taken, and while on duty in High Street, about eleven o`clock, he received information that a female had been offering a coat for sale. He went to the Bricklayers` Arms, bottom of Fancy Street, and found a female with a coat doubled up under her shawl. She said the coat had been given to her by a Frenchman to sell for 6s. The coat (produced) is of black cloth, has been worn, and answers to the description of a coat stolen at Stanford. He brought the woman to the police station, where she described her husband and the prisoner Soissons. Then went in search, and found the husband and the prisoner Soissons at the Radnor Arches, Radnor Street. Brought Soissons to the station, and then receiving further information, went in search of Bertrand and another man not in custody, and apprehended Bertrand on the down platform of the Junction Station. From information then received he took possession of a portion of the property produced, which had been placed by Bertrand, and another not apprehended, in the ticket room. Opened the parcel and found it to contain one coloured print dress usually worn by women working in the fields, 2 cotton napkins, 5 women`s nightdresses, a flannel shirt, 5 pillowcases, 6 chemises, 8 men`s shirts, 3 sheets, a white slop, a table cloth, 2 window blinds, and a pair of india rubber braces. A porter saw Bertrand in company with the man who left the parcel in the ticket room. On Bertrand was found a razor in a case. A pair of razors and spectacles were found on Soissons and he said they were not his.

Mary Braconier (an Englishwoman), wife of Eugene Braconier, picture maker, said she and her husband were lodging at the Oddfellows Arms. Had not before seen the other man. He handed a coat to Soissons, who gave it to witness, and said in very broken English she was to get 6s for it, or 5s, and bring it to him. Went with the coat to the Bricklayers` Arms, and offered it to the landlady, and in about five or ten minutes the policeman came and took her to the station. Never before saw the prisoner Bertrand.

Lydia Strover, wife of Henry Strover, carter, living in Tontine Street, and daughter of Jacob Wratten, Stanford, labourer, identified the coat as her father`s, and the other articles named in the policeman`s evidence, and also many other articles.

The bench deemed the evidence sufficient for detention, and sent the prisoners to Hythe, within which district the offence was commited.

(The prisoners were brought up at Hythe the next day and remanded)

Kentish Gazette 21-8-1866

On Tuesday last a shameful robbery was committed at the cottage of a labourer named Wratten. Wratten`s cottage is a lone one, and is situate between Newingreen and Sellindge, at a place called “Benham`s Watering," where there is a large piece of water almost level with the road. The family were out on Tuesday at harvest work and when they left home the doors and windows were fastened up. On returning in the evening, it was found that a piece of wood had been cut out of the back door, by which means two bolts bad been removed - a wooden bar with staples, and an iron bolt with staples. An entrance having been thus effected, the house was completely ransacked, the wearing apparel of Wratten and his wife, their sheets, some pork in a tub, and every­thing worth taking that was portable having been stolen. The depredators searched every place in which they thought it likely monev might be kept, even to the clock case and an oldd teapot in which sundry small articles were kept. Some suspicious-looking characters were seen lurking about the house during tie dav. It is a somewhat singular fact that the house next to this on the road to Hythe was broken into last year, and the house beyond that one the year before, so it would seem the thieves are taking these dwellings in turn.

Two Frenchmen named Henri Bartrand and Charles Soissoin, were brought before Thomes Denne Esq., at the County Sessions Hall, at Hythe, on Thursday. On suspicion of being concerned in the burglary, and remanded till Saturday, when they were again brought up charged with breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Jacob Wratten, a labourer, living at Stanford, and stealing therefrom two pairs of trousers, one coat, one shawl, three pairs of sheets, two window curtains, nine caps, eight shirts, six chemises, a quantity of pocket handkerchiefs, table cloths, silver pencil case, pair of spectacles and various other articles. M. Ollivier, of Folkestone, was sworn to interpret.

Prosecutor stated that he and his wife had born out at work all day, and on their return to their cottage, between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, found that it had been broken open. The back door had been forced open and everything was lying about in confusion. They missed very many things and now identified several of those produced.

On the 14th inst. Police constable Swain, of the Folkestone Borough Police, received information of the robbery, and went to the Bricklayer's Arms, Fancy Street, Folkestone; he there saw a woman named Mary Braconier, and took from her a black coat, one of those lost. From what she told him he went in search of the prisoners and found Soissoin at the Radnor Arches, Radnor Street. He took him into custody and then went  in search of Bertrand, and found him at the Junction Railway Station, and a bundle was in the waiting room. He (Swain) opened it and found it to contain many of the articles stolen. He asked Bertrand it the bundle was his, and he replied “No.”  

Mary Braconier stated that she was lodging at Folkestone, and knew the prisoner Soissoin. About half-past ten o’clock in the morning of the 14th  inst., she saw Soissoin and a man not in custody outside the Oddfellows Arms. Soissoin gave her a coat to sell for six shillings. She took it to the Bricklayers Arms and offered it to the landlady there. After she had been there about ten minutes the constable came in and took possession of it.

Frederick Spicer, assistant to Mr Hart, of Folkestone, pawnbroker, proved that on Wednesday evening Soissoin offered him the coat produced, and also a pair of spectacles.

The Magistrate discharged the prisoner Bertrand, but committed Soissoin for trial at the next East Kent Quarter Sessions.

Folkestone Observer 24-8-1866

County Police, Hythe

Saturday August 18th:- Before Thomas Denne Esq.

Henri Bertrand and Charles Soissons, on remand, were charged with stealing a quantity of wearing apparel from the dwelling house of Jacob Wratten, labourer, living at Stanford.

M. Olivier, of Folkestone, was sworn to interpret. The following evidence was then taken –

Prosecutor said: I am a labourer, living at Stanford. On the 13th inst., between seven and eight o`clock in the evening, on my return from work, I found my house had been broken open and everything was lying about the room in confusion, and a number of things gone. I identify the coat and two pair of trousers now produced as my property, and I believe the razors and spectacles are mine, but I don`t like to swear to them. My wife was in the house when I left to go to work in the morning.

Elizabeth Wratten, wife of the prosecutor, said: On the 13th inst. I left my cottage about 8 o`clock in the morning, after having locked it up. I returned with my husband in the evening and found the house in the state he has described it. I have missed many things. I identify the handkerchiefs and other articles produced as belonging to my husband. The spectacle case belongs to me, but I can`t swear that the spectacles are mine. I left all the things safe in the house when I left to go out in the morning.

Frederick Spicer said: I live at Folkestone, and am an assistant to Mr. Hart, pawnbroker. On Wednesday evening last I took in pawn the two pairs of trousers produced. The prisoners were not the men who pawned them. The same evening the prisoner Soissons came and offered the coat produced, and also a pair of spectacles like those produced.

The prisoner Soissons handed in a written defence to the magistrates stating that the things which he had in his possession had been handed over to him by his companion (one of the men not in custody) in presence of the woman Braconier and that he had not seen him since.

The magistrates dismissed the prisoner Bertrand, and committed the other prisoner for trial at the next East Kent Quarter Sessions.

Folkestone Observer 20-10-1866

East Kent Michaelmas Sessions

These sessions were held on Tuesday last before Sir Brooke Bridges, Bart., M.P. (Chairman)

Charles Soissons, 45, shoemaker, (one of the imitation Davenport Brothers) was indicted for stealing in a dwelling house two pairs of trousers, one handkerchief, and other articles, value about £5, the property of Jacob Wratten, at Stanford, on the 13th of August, 1866.

Mr. Biron prosecuted, and prisoner defended himself.

The accused is a Frenchman, and as he represented that he could not speak nor understand English, an interpreter was engaged to assist in conducting the trail. Prisoner on being informed that if he wished the jury might be composed of half foreigners, intimated that he had no desire to avail himself of that privilege.

Prosecutor and his wife gave evidence as to their leaving their house on the 13th of August between the hours of seven and eight, and on their return in the evening found that it had been broken open, and the articled above-named and described stolen therefrom, most of which produced and identified by them, consisting of shirts, chemises, shirts, and other linen, a coat, two pairs of trousers, a razor and case, a pair of spectacles and a pocket handkerchief.

William Fright, stationmaster at the Westenhanger railway station, stated that on the day named on the indictment he saw the prisoner, in company of another man of short stature, coming from the direction of prosecutor`s house at about half past two o`clock in the afternoon. Each had a large sized bundle, and they passed on to the road leading to Canterbury.

Joseph Clapson, police constable, saw the prisoner and another man, much shorter than the prisoner, each with bundles, pass near Seabrook at about half past four on the same day.

Frederick Spicer, assistant to Mr. Hart, pawnbroker at Folkestone, identified the prisoner as the person who brought the coat (now produced) to his master`s shop at about seven o`clock the same evening and wanted to pledge it, but witness declined taking it in.

Ingram Swain, a police officer from Folkestone, from information received respecting the robbery went in search of the parties suspected, and found a Frenchwoman, the wife of an itinerant picture seller attempting to effect the sale of the coat in question for 6s. Witness took possession of the coat and afterwards took the prisoner at the bar in custody on the charge of having stolen it, and on searching him found the razor and spectacles, and a new pocket handkerchief, partly hemmed, in his pocket. The razor and spectacle cases were sworn by the prosecutor and his wife, but they declined swearing to either the razor or spectacles, though they were both like those that had been stolen from their house. With respect to the handkerchief, Mrs. Wratten clearly identified it. She said she had partly hemmed it and placed it in her cotton box with the needle in in, and in that state it was found in the prisoner`s possession. The constable further stated that having ascertained that some bundles had been left at the railway station he went there, and found nearly all the articles of linen &c., now produced, with the exception of the coat and the two pairs of trousers, which had been pledged by the short man that had been seen in the prisoner`s company, but who had now absconded.

These were the main features of the evidence, and the prisoner being called upon for his defence told a long and very tedious story, but with considerable method, denying that he was near Westenhanger, but said he did carry a bundle in the evening for a woman, who gave him a small quantity of writing paper for his trouble; that he was asked to pledge the coat by the person described as the “short man”, and who gave him the razor, the spectacles, and the handkerchief.

Neither the Court, nor the Jury, believed this tale and he was found Guilty.

Prisoner was then charged with having been convicted at Maidstone in December, 1864, of passing counterfeit coin, and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment with hard labour. This he denied, and said he was never in Maidstone in his life, but he was fully identified as the person so convicted, and the court sentenced him to five years` penal servitude. He was described by the police authorities as one of a gang of foreigners that have been giving the police so much trouble for some time past, some of whom are in custody at Maidstone. One of them, it is believed, will prove to have been his companion in the depredations for which he is convicted It was very evident by his attention to the proceedings that he was well aware of all that was said in court, and was several times told that the bench was well satisfied that he understood and could speak the English language if he thought proper to do so.

On Wednesday Soissons was again called that his sentence might be altered. The prisoner on Tuesday gave a great deal of trouble by persisting that he did not understand English, which it was very evident was false.

The Chairman, now addressing him, said “Do you understand English?”, to which he very readily replied, amidst considerable laughter, “Oh, no, sir”. A gentleman in court then explained to him in French that his sentence would be altered from five years` penal servitude to seven years` penal servitude, the previous convictions proved against him not allowing of a shorter term than the latter period.

Folkestone Chronicle 15-5-1869

Tuesday May 11th: Before Captain Kennicott R.N., J. Gambrill, and A.M. Leith esqs.

William Peel was summoned for assaulting John Bromley on the 30th April. Pleaded not guilty.

Mr. Minter appeared for plaintiff, but said the information was taken out without his advice, and as he knew the charge could not be substantiated, so as to bring it home to the defendant, by his (Mr. Minter`s) advice the summons would be withdrawn. He would, however, state the case to the Bench, who would probably tell the defendant that he must not allow anything of the kind to be done. Complainant had for many years occupied a room under the Bricklayer`s Arms in Fancy Street, as a workshop for shoemaking, and defendant, who keeps the Bricklayer`s Arms has lately felt annoyed because complainant has opened an opposition establishment, the Dew Drop Inn, a respectable house a little higher up, on the upper side of the street, and is jealous of the good business done by complainant. Complainant has, for some time, been annoyed at his work, and there was no moral doubt that defendant was the instigator of them. Sometimes chamber utensils were emptied down, so that the water would percolate through into the workshop. Another time a stream of boiling water would pour down onto complainant. It would be impossible to prove that defendant had committed these acts himself; he should ask permission to withdraw the summons, and advise complainant, if the annoyance continued, to sue defendant for damages in the County Court. He might remark that the parties had often been to the court before; complainant, always as complainant, preferring too seek protection from the Bench, rather than take the law into his own hands.

Defendant said he never saw complainant on 30th April. It was only a poor old woman had the misfortune to upset her tea pot.

The Bench told defendant he was undoubtedly the cause of the annoyance, and warned him to be careful.

Folkestone Observer 15-5-1869

Tuesday, May 11th: Before Captain Kennicott R.N., J. Gambrill and A.M. Leith Esqs.

William Peel was charged with assaulting William Bromley on the 30th April.

It appeared that the defendant kept the Bricklayer`s Arms, Fancy Street, and the plaintiff hired a room below to carry on his trade as shoemaker. He had also recently opened a public house named the Dew Drop, in rivalry to the Bricklayer`s Arms. The complainant said defendant had emptied hot water &c. on the floor above, so that it dropped through into his shop beneath, but he brought forward no evidence.

Defendant said all that was done was the upsetting of a teapot on the fender by his wife.

The Bench dismissed the charge.

Folkestone Express 15-5-1869

Tuesday, April 11th: Before Captain Kennicott R.N., A.M. Leith and J. Gambrill Esqs.

George Peel was charged with assaulting John Bromley on the 30th of April last.

Mr. Minter, who appeared for the complainant, said the summons had been taking out without consulting him, and he found, on looking over the evidence, that they would not be able to bring the charge home to the defendant. It appears that for many years the plaintiff has occupied a room under the Bricklayers` Arms, Fancy Street, which belongs to the defendant. Bromley has thought proper to open a house called The Dew Drop in the same street, and from that some sort of jealousy has existed between them, and there was no moral doubt that the defendant was the instigator, if not the actual perpetrator, of the offence for which he was summoned. While plaintiff has been at work in the said room, the contents of chamber utensils, and at other times hot water, have been poured down on him from the room above. This, no doubt, irritated the plaintiff, and he at once took out the summons. His (Mr. Minter`s) advice was to withdraw the summons, leaving it to the discretion of the Bench to tell the defendant that he is not entitled to do this thing himself, or allow others to do it, and he would advise the plaintiff that should the offence be repeated he must issue a summons against him in the County Court.

The defendant: It was only a poor old woman who had the misfortune to upset a teapot.

The Bench cautioned the defendant to be more careful in the future, and dismissed the summons.

Folkestone Observer 7-8-1869

Local Intelligence

Elizabeth Hare was brought up on a warrant on Tuesday, charged with threatening and assaulting Mary Ann Lee, and Mary Ann Lee was summoned for an assault on Mary Robertson. The assaults were committed at the Bricklayer`s Arms, Fancy Street, on the evening of Sunday last. Mrs. Lee entered the house to purchase a pint of beer about six o`clock, when, she stated, that Mrs. Hare assaulted her. Mrs. Hare and Mrs. Robertson both averred that Mrs. Lee was the aggressor. Several witnesses were called on both sides, and they included Mr. William Peel, the landlord of the house, and Mr. Lee, the husband of one of the defendants. The last witness stated that his wife was drunk, and she had been drinking in defendant`s house during the afternoon, beer being served to her during prohibited hours. The Bench bound both defendants over to keep the peace for three months in a sum of £10.

Note: It is unclear where Lee had been drinking from this report. No record of a Hare or Robertson is listed in More Bastions.

Folkestone Express 7-8-1869

Tuesday, August 3rd: Before J. Tolputt Esq., and Colonel Crespigny

Elizabeth Haze was charged with assaulting and threatening Mary Ann Lee on Sunday. Mr. Minter appeared for the plaintiff.

Plaintiff said she was the wife of Richard Lee, and lived in Fancy Street. On Sunday afternoon about half past five she went to Mr. Peel`s, at the Bricklayers` Arms, for a pint of beer. The defendant was standing at the bar drinking. She said “You`re come, Lady Lee”,  and after calling her some bad names she knocked plaintiff backwards and gave her a black eye, and she hammered away for five minutes. Witness gave her no provocation. She followed plaintiff to her own house and took up a knife and threatened to murder her.

Prisoner said plaintiff scratched her face.

Mary Smith deposed to hearing plaintiff cry “Murder!” three times.

The prisoner called Frederick P. Swain, who said he was a shoemaker. He heard a little “jangling” and Mrs. Lee came and struck Mrs. Haze. Mrs. Lee struck the first blow.

By Mr. Minter: I heard no cries of “Murder!”. Mrs. Lee was drunk.

Mary Ann Robertson, wife of George Robertson, living in Fancy Street, said: Mrs. Lee came into the Bricklayers` Arms at one o`clock and insulted me, and the prisoner repeated that conduct at six o`clock. Mrs. Lee hit Mrs. Haze, and Mrs. Haze struck at Mrs. Lee, but did not hit her. Mrs. Lee called her husband in, and they all three had a scuffle. Mr. Peel put Mrs. Lee out of the house several times, but she would come in again. Mrs. Haze did not go to Mrs. Lee`s house, and there were no cries of “Murder!”.

By Mr. Minter: There was no knife taken up.

Mary Ann Lee was summoned by Mary Robertson for assaulting her.

Mary Robertson said on Sunday afternoon she was in Mr. Peel`s yard taking up the dinner, when Mrs. Lee came in and abused her. She came in again about six o`clock, and witness was waiting at the bar. She called her fearful names, and struck and scratched her face.

Elizabeth Haze deposed to the above.

Mr. Minter called Richard Lee, who said he went to the Bricklayers` Arms about six o`clock, when he found his wife on the floor, and Mrs. Roberston and Mrs. Haze pitching into her. Mrs. Haze followed them home and picked up a knife on the table, and said she would be the death of them. Witness took the knife away and put her out.

By the Bench: His wife was drunk. She had been drinking from three to six in the house. They drew her beer during the prohibited hours.

William Peel said he saw a scuffle in the passage of his house, and he put Mrs. Lee and Mrs, Haze out; did not see the beginning or end of it.

By Mr. Minter: Was in the bar from six to half past six.

The Bench ordered both defendants to be bound over to keep the peace, in a sum of £10, for three months.

Folkestone Chronicle 28-8-1869

Monday August 23rd: Before S. Eastes, J. Tolputt and J. Clark Esqs.

William Peel, landlord of the Bricklayer`s Arms, Fancy Street, was summoned for maliciously injuring certain tools, the property of John Bromley, of the Dew Drop Inn, in the same street. Mr. Minter appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Creery, of Ashford, for the defendant.

Mr. Minter said the injury to the tools was small, but the annoyance, inconvenience, and damage, consequent on the conduct of defendant was considerable, and necessitated this application to the Bench. The facts of the case were that complainant rents, and has for several years past occupied a room under defendant`s house as a shoemaker`s shop, and as both parties keep similar establishments – lodging houses – with the same class of customers, there was a certain amount of rivalry between them. Plaintiff on going to his work has found the place flooded with water, the tools and work spoiled, and the room altogether uninhabitable, so that his men refused to work any longer, and his business was being destroyed. A few weeks ago defendant was summoned for pouring hot water through on the complainant, and the excuse was that an old woman had upset her teapot. The 51st sect. of the 24th and 25th Vic., cap. 97, rendered defendant liable to three or five years` penal servitude, or not less than two years` imprisonment with hard labour, and the 52nd sect., under which the information was laid, rendered him liable to a penalty of £5, or two months` imprisonment. He would only call sufficient evidence to justify the case, and ask for a remand, and a summons to be issued against James M`Donald, an important witness who had absconded.

Complainant said on the 18th instant he left his shop about nine o`clock in the evening, and on going to it next morning found the place soaked in water, work spoiled, and tools rusted. The expense of putting them right would be about 2s. The same thing had happened before.

Cross-examined: The tools cost about 12s. M`Donald was a tailor who lodged at his house before the 17th instant. He left and went to lodge at defendant`s. He had told him that he saw a man named Johnson turn on the tap of the boiler, and defendant said “Scald him out of it”. There were twenty others in the room. He had traced Johnson to Canterbury, and heard that he said he was not coming there to get paid for his time, when he could get pounds to stay away.

James Neale, a cordwainer who worked for complainant, deposed to the state of the workshop through the water that was continually running through from the room above, so that he refused to work any longer.

Mr. Minter then applied for an adjournment for a week, so as to procure M`Donald`s attendance. It would have been no use to call any of the others that were in the room, for they were strangers, and some of them were fined by the Bench the other day for annoying complainant.

The adjournment was granted, the question of costs being reserved.

Southeastern Gazette 30-8-1869

Local News

Annual Licensing Day.—A full bench of magistrates attended on Wednesday to grant renewals and hear fresh applications.

Several licenses were suspended owing to the complaints of the public, and the renewal of the licences of the Bricklayers’ Arms, kept by Mr. William Peel; the Prince Albert kept by Henry Stay; and the Royal Engineer, kept by George Dawkins, was refused altogether.

William Peel, the landlord of the Bricklayers’ Arms, was summoned on Monday last by John Bromley, the landlord of the Dewdrop Inn, both houses being situated in Fancy- Street. Mr. Minter appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. Creery for the defendant.

It appeared from the evidence that the plaintiff hired a room of the defendant to carry on his business as a shoemaker The room was let on a lease, but since the plaintiff had opened a beerhouse in opposition to the defendant, the latter had instituted a series of petty annoyances, such as pouring water down on the plaintiff from the room above. Plaintiff could not bring the charge home to the defendant, but got a lodger of his, named McDonald, to go and lodge at defendant’s house and watch what was going on. This lodger informed the plaintiff that Mr. Peel instigated a man to turn a tap on when the defendant was at work, hence the present proceedings.

It was now stated that the important witness to prove the case, McDonald, had kept out of the way, and it was surmised that he had been bribed to do so by the defendant or his friends. Mr. Minter applied for an adjournment on these grounds. Mr. Creery opposed, as he said it was a trumped-up charge, and if Mr. Bromley had intended to persevere he could have called other witnesses who were in the room at the time.
The magistrates, however, decided to grant an adjournment for a week.
Folkestone Observer 11-9-1869

Wednesday, September 8th: Before Capt. Kennicott R.N., James Tolputt, A.M. Leith and W. Bateman Esqs.

William Peel, on remand, was again charged with doing damage to Mr. Bromley`s property.

The complainant applied for another adjournment as he had met with a severe accident and had been unable to procure the witness Johnson.

Mr. Towne, Margate, opposed the adjournment as he said the accident spoken of was caused by plaintiff`s own misconduce, and the accident had nothing to do with the case.

The Bench, after a consultation, said when a case was brought before them the means of proving the case must be procured. They now declined to adjourn and dismissed the case.

Folkestone Express 28-8-1869

Wednesday, August 25th: Before Captain Kennicott R.N., W. Bateman. J. Tolputt, A.M. Leith, and J. Gambrill Esqs.

Spirit License (Renewal)

William Peel, of the Bricklayers`Arms, Fancy Street, applied for a renewal of his license. Mr. Martin had received great complaints of this house, as it was the resort of thieves and other loose characters. The license was refused.

Folkestone Express 4-9-1869

Monday, 30th August: Before Captain Kennicott R.N. and J. Tolputt Esq.

Wm. Peel, of the Bricklayers` Arms, and a tramp named Johnson, again appeared to answer a charge of pouring boiling water over him.

Mr. Minter, who appeared for the prosecutor, said owing to the absence of an important witness named James MacDonald, he must ask for a remand, and he would apply for a Bench warrant for him to be brought up, as he believed witness had either been bribed or intimidated. The case was accordingly adjourned till Wednesday next.

Folkestone Chronicle 11-9-1869

Police: During the week there have been some cases before the Bench, chiefly arising from the rivalry between the Dew Drop Inn and the Bricklayer`s Arms.

Folkestone Observer 11-9-1869

Thursday, September 9th: Before Captain Kennicott R.N., and James Tolputt Esq.

Thomas Drew was charged with using threatening language to George Bromley on the 8th instant.

George Bromley said he lived at Dover, and was at his son`s house dining on Wednesday. When in the private room prisoner came in and said “What do you think about it now?”. His son said “I have nothing to say to you. The best thing for you to do is to leave the house”. He said he would not for his son or witness, and used most filthy language. When in the street he said he would knock witness`s brains out. On witness saying he would send for the police he used most filthy language. From these threats he went in bodily fear of prisoner. There was nothing said about a handkerchief. He did not know the man at all.

John Bromley, son of the last witness, gave corroborative evidence, adding that a man came across from Peel`s and threw a pint pot at his head some days ago. He put up his hand and cut his thumb frightfully.

The Bench said the offence was of so serious a nature that they must bind prisoner over to keep the peace in the sum of £5, and a householder in the sum of £5 for 3 months.

Folkestone Express 11-9-1869

Thursday, September 9th: Before Captain Kennicott R.N. and James Tolputt Esq.

Thomas Drew, hatter, was charged with using threatening language towards Mr. George Bromley senr.

The prisoner said he was only charged with this out of spite.

Mr. Minter appeared for the prosecutor and detailed the circumstances of the case. It appeared that the prisoner had been lodging at Mr. Bromley`s, the Dew Drop, Fancy Street, and going home after the case had been heard on the previous day, the man went to Mr. Peel`s. He then came into Bromley`s while they were at dinner and used the language the witnesses would describe. There was no spite on Mr. Bromley`s part, as he was quite prepared to hear the decision of the court the previous day.

He called George Bromley senr., who said he lived at Dover, and was dining at his son`s house yesterday, when the prisoner came in and said “What do you think of it now?”. His son answered “I want nothing to say to you. The best thing you can do is to go out of my house”. He used most filthy language, and said he would not. He then went into the street, and said to witness he would knock his b---- brains out. He repeated this threat, and witness sent for a policeman. Not a word was said about a handkerchief. Witness did not know the man.

John Bromley was then sworn and deposed to the truth of the above statement. A man came from Mr. Peel`s house and threw a pot at his head a week ago. He warded it off with his hand and it cut his thumb in a very dangerous manner.

The Bench bound the prisoner over to keep the peace, himself in £5, and a householder in £5, for three months.

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