Thanks And Acknowledgements

My thanks go to Kent Libraries and Archives - Folkestone Library and also to the archive of the Folkestone Herald. For articles from the Folkestone Observer, my thanks go to the Kent Messenger Group. Southeastern Gazette articles are from UKPress Online, and Kentish Gazette articles are from the British Newspaper Archive. See links below.

Paul Skelton`s great site for research on pubs in Kent is also linked

Other sites which may be of interest are the Folkestone and District Local History Society, the Kent History Forum, Christine Warren`s fascinating site, Folkestone Then And Now, and Step Short, where I originally found the photo of the bomb-damaged former Langton`s Brewery, links also below.


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Monday, 23 December 2024

Pavilion Hotel 1860s

Dover Express 29-12-1860

Dover Petty Sessions, yesterday: Before G.F. Jennings and L. Stride Esqs.

Mr. Charles Doridant, the proprietor of the Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, was charged on the information of Mr. Barrow, the barrister, with smoking in a railway carriage.

The defendant, for whom Mr. Knocker appeared, was fined 10s., and the costs, 17s. 6d.

There was a second charge of assaulting Mr. Barrow, which, after a portion of the evidence had been heard, was adjourned till Monday.

Dover Chronicle 11-5-1861 

Marriage: May 8, at St. Catherine Cree church, Leadenhall Street, London, Charles Doridant Esq., of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, to Adeline, second daughter of Mr. George Painter, of the Ship and Turtle Hotel, Leadenhall Street, London.

Kentish Gazette 14-5-1861

Mons. Doridant, the respected proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, was married in London, on Wednesday last, to Miss Painter, the eldest daughter of the worthy proprietor of the “Ship and Turtle,” Leadenhall Street. The church was crowded to excess, the numerous friends of the bride attending to show their respect and affection for her, and warmly congratulating her on the bright future which appears to lie before her on entering upon this new relation. The bride and bridegroom passed through Dover in the evening, en route for Brussels to spend the honeymoon.

Dover Chronicle 15-2-1862

Birth: Feb. 10, at the Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, the wife of Charles Doridant Esq., of a son.

Maidstone Journal, Southeastern Gazette 18-2-1862 

Birth: On the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Doridant, proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, of a son.

Canterbury Weekly Journal 22-2-1862 

Birth: Feb 10, the wife of Mr. Charles Doridant, proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, of a son.

Dover Telegraph 22-2-1862

Birth: Feb. 10, the wife of Mr. Charles Doridant, proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, of a son.

Folkestone Chronicle 22-2-1862

Birth: Feb 10th, the wife of Charles Doridant, proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, of a son.

Kentish Chronicle 22-2-1862 

Birth: Feb 10, the wife of Mr. Charles Doridant, proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, of a son.

Kentish Gazette 23-9-1862

A correspondent of The Times writes:—I believe that most persons, especially those who are encumbered with the transport of little children, are mainly disposed to give the preference to the much adver­tised “quickest route” to Paris by Folkestone, because they fancy that at the Pavilion Hotel, at Folkestone they have, at a stone’s throw from the station and the boats, a com­fortable halting place at their command, at which either to await a favourable sea, or repose after the horrors of a bad passage. At least I, for one, have hitherto been under the delusion that the South-Eastern Company’s house called the Pavilion Hotel still continued to supply the accommo­dation customary in an inn, and which in the days of poor old Giovannini Ï have many a time enjoyed. That this is no longer the case must be held established by what has happened to me; although the house is still studded with the traditional placard, in which occurs the time-honoured puff of landlords, “that the annexed scale of charges will convince every reasonable person that the proprietor desires to accommodate the public at a charge to suit the most moderate expenditure.” I make no complaint at present on the score of charges, but I say that the public is now ex­cluded by Mr. Doridant from his house. I landed here a few days ago, and went to the Pavilion, where I established myself to await my family, whom I had preceded. Having received intimation of their coming over I enquired about half-past 9 in the morning whether I could see the land­lord, with the view of asking him if I could have the ac­commodation required. I was told that Mr. Doridant did not come down at so early an hour, and that I must wait until his appearance, the functionary in the office affirming that he had no authority to promise any rooms. So I waited, smoking my cigar, and lounging on the green, until I was informed that Mr. Doridant was visible. Ushered into a charming little boudoir, I found the owner of the house not only out of bed, but actually having had time to finish a most exquisite toilet, and actively engaged in dis­cussing the luxuries of a choice breakfast. I must also bear testimony to the condescension with which, after hav­ing properly eyed me, he deigned to interrupt this occu­pation and leave his chair to listen for a moment to my wants and my inquiry whether he could give me a sitting ­room and beds for myself, my wife, four children, a go­verness, nurses, a lady’s-maid, and a man-servant. “As for the man-servant, I never take one in” was Mr. Doridant’s reply, “but I might possibly lodge him out. As for the other accommodation -would it be for any time?” I replied that possibly I might require it for ten days. “Then," said this Prince of Innkeepers, accompanying his words with an inexpressibly artistic rubbing of the back of his bands, which had for effect quite to dazzle my eyes with the flush of his jewelled rings, “I cannot accommodate you, Sir. It is best to be frank. Governesses, nurses, children, do not spend money, and it does not suit me at this season of the year to have for more than one night in my house families with such. For one night, Sir, I could, perhaps, take you in with your family, though not for more. But I shall be very happy to receive you at another season. It is best to be frank, Sir.” Of course I thanked him for his frank­ness, promised, within me, certainly not to trouble Mr. Doridant at any season of the year, and went out to get for my family in an hotel the accommodation refused on principle by Mr. Doridant at the Pavilion. My object in writing to you, however, is not to analyze Mr. Doridsnt, his principles, or his actions, but through you to warn all such travellers as at this season of equinoctial gales, and encumbered wth the appurtenances of a family, may have chosen the Folkestone route to the Continent with the idea that, in the event of bad weather, they might abide their time at the house called the Pavilion; that on the unquestionable authority of its owner, Mr. Doridant, its doors are inexorably closed against them, except, at the outside, for one night, that is to say, if they be of the mil­lion, for to my own personal knowledge the millionaires, at the very time Mr. Doridant was speaking to me, were by him admitted to all the privileges which be refused me and my family in his house.

Folkestone Chronicle 26-11-1864

Petty Sessions, Saturday, November 19th: Before Capt. Kennicott R.N. and James Tolputt Esq.

Charles Gatehouse and William Beer, of Buckland, near Dover, were brought up in custody charged with stealing a quantity of water cresses, the property of Charles Doridant Esq, proprietor of the Pavilion Hotel.

Charles Ovenden, police constable of this borough stated that he met the prisoners on the previous evening, when they ran away; he pursued them and overtook Gatehouse. They had each a basket with water cresses in them. He brought them to the police station, and then went to Mr. Doridant`s garden, where Mr. Peden, the gardener, found that a quantity of cresses had been stolen.

Mr. Peden proved the loss of the cresses, and the prisoners were committed, Gatehouse for two months and Beer for 1 month hard labour to Dover gaol.

Folkestone Observer 15-7-1865

Monday July 10th:- Before the Mayor and R.W. Boarer Esq.

Daniel MacDonnell, a tailor, who appeared with his face covered with blood, and his left eye dreadfully contused, was charged with being drunk and incapable on Sunday night.

Police constable Swain said that the defendant was brought to the station house and given into his custody, and he was then drunk, and unable to stand upright.

Superintendent Martin explained that defendant had been put out of the Pavilion Hotel, after which he fell down and cut his face against the pavement. Constable Reynolds took him into custody and he had met with an accident and was unable to attend and give evidence.

The bench said that as defendant appeared to have been punished already they should discharge him.

Folkestone Chronicle 28-10-1865

Extensive Jewel Robbery At The Pavilion Hotel

This day week it was discovered that a large quantity of jewellery, in value estimated at £1,500, had been stolen from a drawer in the apartments of the Dowager Countess of Dunraven, at the Pavilion Hotel, where she has been staying for some time past. Information was at once given to the police and detectives placed on the alert, but no clue has as yet been obtained as to the perpetrator of the robbery.

Southeastern Gazette 31-10-1865

Local News

A very serious robbery of jewels took place at the Pavilion Hotel about the end of last week. The Dowager Countess of Dunraven has been staying at the hotel during the summer with her youngest son. On Saturday afternoon week, on returning from a walk, she missed a large portion of her jewels, including several articles of more than market value because of their being heirlooms, wedding presents, &c. The jewellery stolen had been kept in a drawer, and been seen two or three days before the discovery of the robbery. Mr. Doridant was on the continent, but immediate proceedings were taken for the detection of the thief, and our local police have been aided by London detectives. Nothing, however, is yet known. The Hon, Windham Quin, the invalid son of the Countess Dunraven died on Tuesday.

Folkestone Observer 18-5-1866

The Pavilion Hotel

The Dover News says a change in the proprietorship of this establishment has recently taken place. Mons. Doridant retires upon a handsome fortune. He is succeeded in the proprietorship by a Mr. Edwards. The transfer is said to be a very costly affair, involving in the purchase of the lease, furniture, and goodwill an outlay of some £30,000. We may add that Mr. Edwards was formerly in the wine trade.

Folkestone Observer 28-9-1866

Tuesday September 25th:- Before Captain Kennicott R.N. and James Tolputt Esq.

Vincent Brown, a well dressed man, lately employed at the Pavilion Hotel, and described on the charge sheet as “aged 20, cook”, was charged with feloniously stealing £8 10s.

George Peal, brickmaker, living at No. 5, Bayle Street, said: Prisoner lodges in my house. He came to lodge with me a fortnight ago last Saturday. He occupied a bedroom – a little back room. He went away on Saturday afternoon. He came back on Sunday morning, but I did not see him then; the wife saw him. He went away about four o`clock on Saturday. He returned on Saturday morning about eleven or twelve o`clock. On Sunday morning about eight or nine o`clock, while he was absent, I discovered I had lost £8 odd from the box in the room upstairs that I slept in. It is a large square box, three feet long. My wife locked the box on Thursday night. It is a clothes box. I keep a small box in it also, in which I keep money. I went to the box on Sunday morning to put in some gold and silver that I had taken on Saturday, and I them missed £8 10s or £8 12s – I can`t say exactly. I last saw the money on the Sunday morning before, when I went to put money in. My wife had taken three sovereigns out to pay for a pig, and so it might be pretty well all silver that was left. £3 10s was in a bag in a corner, to pay my rent, which I had taken from my lodgers. On Sunday, or Saturday week – I can`t say which – I took £8 in gold and silver from a drawer and put it in the box, where there was already the small bag of £3 10s in silver. It was on Thursday night, after nine o`clock, that I sent my wife upstairs for the £3, and she came down and put the money into my hand in the shop. The clothes box was locked, but I can`t say whether or not the key was taken out. My bedroom door was not kept locked. My bedroom was just above prisoner`s on the next floor. I live in the lower part of the house. Prisoner might go to my bedroom, and neither my wife nor me know it. I have one other lodger in the house. He occupied the bedroom next to ours, at the top. There is a little boy in the house besides, twelve or thirteen years of age. Prisoner told me he had been getting up balls on the camp. When I discovered my loss In came to the station and told a policeman about it. I did not see prisoner on Sunday morning. The little boy saw him. I saw him yesterday morning at ten minutes or a quarter past twelve. I saw him under the Cheriton arch, and I held up my hand to him and told him I wanted him to come along with me. He said “Alright, I`ll come”.  I told him about the money, coming along. When he wanted to know what was the matter, I told him I had lost the money. “I am sorry for that” he said. Then I told him I thought he must have it. He said “I can`t tell how you came to pick upon me”.  “Do you think”, he said, “If I had had your money, I should not have said, when you came to me “Now, I had your money, I know, and I`ll pay you back when I can””. He came to the police station with me, but another man was with me, and I gave him into custody. When in the market place he said “Now don`t I look well with all these people looking at me? I`ll make you pay for this, or I`ll punish you”.

Mary Alice Peal, wife of last witness, said: I went to the box on Thursday night, and I saw the money in the small box in the clothes box. I took three sovereigns out of it. I don`t know how much money was left. I can say that there were several pounds in it. The little box was not locked. I locked the large box, but I don`t know whether I left the key in it. My husband found they key in it on Sunday morning when he went upstairs. We keep the key on a string tied to the handle of the box at the side. The prisoner left my house on Saturday about four o`clock. I was in the back room and saw him go out. He did not sleep in the house on Saturday night. He returned on Sunday morning between eleven and twelve. He had been absent before all night during the time he had lodged with me. On Sunday morning when he came in he said “I did not come home last night. I slept at Dover”. I only said “Oh!”. He told me not to cook his breakfast or dinner; he was going to his cousin`s for breakfast and dinner. He went upstairs and fetched a book, and came down directly and left. He was not in the house two minutes. I stood against the door to look for someone, but as I could not see anyone I went out. I told my brother to see which road he took. He did not return to sleep on Sunday night, but he came in about half past eleven on Monday morning. He asked me how much he owed me. I told him three shillings. He gave me half a crown. I said “That is not enough”, and he then gave me half a sovereign, to take for his meat and lodging out of it. I took three shillings for his lodging, but not for his meat. He then gave me a two shilling piece and two sixpences to pay for his washing. He then went upstairs and dressed, and went out. I did not see him go out.

James Standing, an intelligent boy twelve years old last April, said: Mrs.Peal is my sister. I was at home last Sunday morning between eleven and twelve when the prisoner came there. My sister told me to follow him and see where he went. He went down by Grace Hill, and up Mill Lane, and by the side of the low school he stood still and looked around and saw me. When he saw me coming he ran away, and I did not see him afterwards. I ran after him but lost sight of him. I mean up there by the side of the British School.

Superintendent Martin said: About half past twelve yesterday I came into the police station and found the prisoner and prosecutor in the reserve room. The prosecutor accused the prisoner of stealing £8 from a box in his bedroom. I then said to the prisoner “You hear what the charge is. You must be cautious what you say. What money do you have about you?”. He immediately put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a portmannaie. I asked him what sum he had got, and he said he did not know. I then opened the portmonnaie, and found three sovereigns, half a crown, three shillings, and two sixpences. In his waistcoat pocket he had two gold finger rings, and in his coat pocket a bunch of keys.He denied all knowledge of the robbery. The prisoner was detained.

Prisoner said that on being asked a second time by the Superintendent, he said he had three pounds and some silver.

Committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions, but an offer was made to accept bail. When the prisoner said no-one down here knew him, he was then taken to Dover jail.

Folkestone Chronicle 20-10-1866

Quarter Sessions

Wednesday October 17th:- Before J.J. Lonsdale Esq.

Vincent Brown, 22, man cook, was charged with stealing £8 10s, the property of George Peal, in his dwelling house, at Folkestone, on September 21st, 1866. The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty.

The petty jury having been sworn, the following evidence was adduced in support of the charge:

George Peal: I am a brickmaker. I know the prisoner, who lodged at my house. He came on the 8th September, a Saturday. I live at 5, Bayle Street. He occupied the back room on the middle floor. He lodged with me a fortnight and a day or two. Prisoner often slept out. A gas pipe layer named Arnold also lodged with me. He slept in a room next to mine, on the top floor, above the room the prisoner occupied. One was to the right, and the other was to the left of the staircase. Whilst the prisoner was lodging at my house I lost £8 10s. from a square box in my bedroom. The money was in a little box. The large box was kept in a corner of the bedroom, furthest from the door. The large box I kept locked. The key was tied to the handle at the side of the box. I last saw the money safe in the box on the 16th of September, on a Sunday morning when I counted it, and put some more to it. It was pretty much all silver. I don`t suppose there was a terrible sight of gold, as my wife brought me three sovereigns from it the night before. I sent her for the three sovereigns. I knew there was £3 10s. in silver in a little bag, kept for the rent, and £8 besides. There might have been two half sovereigns besides the three sovereigns she brought me down. I first missed the money on Sunday morning, the 23rd. I went to put some more money in the box, and found the key of the big box in the lock instead of hanging by the side. I looked in the little box and found it empty. Prisoner could not get into my room without going upstairs. There was another lodger and a little boy who slept with him. It was my wife`s brother. The boy is a good boy for what I know. I have no reason to suspect him. Arnold is respectable as far as I know. He never went into my room. I never found the prisoner up the stairs away from his room. On the night of Saturday the 22nd prisoner did not sleep at home. He said he had been to a cousin`s at Dover. He had been absent several times – nearly half the time he lived with me. I did not go to the box from the time my wife fetched down the £3, to the time I missed the money. I never looked to see if the key was there. I gave information to the police, and looked for the prisoner. My wife told me prisoner had been home on Monday. I saw him on Monday, the 24th, under the Cheriton arch about a quarter past twelve. He was walking along the road. I held my hand up to him, called him, and told him I wanted him. He said “All right. I`ll come”. He came to me at once. I told him I had lost mu money, and I told him I thought he must have had it. He said “I am sorry for that. Do you think if I had your money I should not have said “I have had your money and will pay you back when I can”?. I can`t think how you came to pick on me”. When in the market he said he would make me suffer for this, because a crowd of people were looking at him. Prisoner walked voluntarily to the station house with me and my wife`s father. I gave prisoner in charge. He did not object to going to the station, and when I charged him with stealing the £8 10s., he said nothing. The lad is just turned twelve, and is here. I have never had occasion to find fault with my wife for spending too much money, but rather t`other way. (laughter)

The Recorder: Do you mean she does not spend enough?

Prosecutor: Neither of us put our hands on prisoner.

Mary Alice Peal: I am wife of prosecutor. On Thursday, September 20th, my husband sent me to get some money out of a box in the bedroom. He sent me for £3. The key was on the handle of the box, not in the lock. I took out $3 in gold; the rest was pretty much all in silver. I don`t think there was much gold left. I went up in a hurry, and I am not sure that I did not leave the key in the lock; I might have left it in as it was found in on the Sunday morning. I never did so before, but always locked the box. I never saw the prisoner near my room. Prisoner did not sleep at home on Saturday night, but came in between 12 and 1 on Sunday and told me not to cook his dinner as he was going out. He went upstairs to get a book and went out again. I said nothing to him about the loss of the money because I was there by myself and was afraid to do so. Prisoner came in again about 12 on Monday and asked me what he owed me. I told him 3s. and he gave me half a crown. I told him that was not enough and he then gave me half a sovereign. I gave him the change. He also gave me 2s 6d for the laundress. He took the money from his pocket. He gave me a sovereign on the Thursday previous. The day before he borrowed 4s. to pay for his boots. He said he was employed in cooking for a ball on Shorncliffe Camp. He said he was to have £3 for it. It was the same week, before he game me the sovereign to change. The ball had taken place before the money was missed. It was before he borrowed the 4s., which was repaid out of the sovereign. He did not tell me where he got it from. After prisoner paid me the 3s., he dressed and went out. I said nothing to him about the money being missed because I was afraid he would go right away if I did. Someone followed him; it was my husband`s mother, Mrs. Peal. On Sunday morning I sent the little boy to follow him.

James Standing, a lad 12 years of age: The last witness is my sister. I recollect Sunday morning, 22nd September. That morning my sister told me to follow prisoner and see where he went. I did so. He went down Grace Hill, up Mill Lane, and when near the new school he saw me and ran away. I ran after him but lost sight of him. I know Arnold and slept in the same room as his. I have been in my sister`s bedroom, but never saw the key in the box. I am sure the prisoner saw me because he turned round and looked. I don`t know whether he cannot see persons at a distance.

William Martin: I am Superintendent of Borough Police in Folkestone. On the 24th September I went into the station house and saw the prisoner there. Prosecutor and one of the constables were also there. Prosecutor accused prisoner of stealing £8 from a box in his house. I cautioned prisoner and asked what money he had about him. He made no reply, but pulled out the portmonnaie I now produce. I opened it and found three sovereigns in a compartment, one half crown, three shillings and two sixpences. Prisoner denied all knowledge of the robbery and he was detained. We found on him a bunch of keys and two gold rings. The portmonnaie is a new one.

This was the case.

In his defence prisoner said he could account for the money he had. I received £10 8s 3d from the Pavilion. I went to the prosecutor`s house the same night. For getting up a ball dinner on the Camp, Captain Talbot gave me £2 4s 6d. For getting up a ball dinner I had £1 5s. I have summoned no witnesses to prove this, but my letters will show that I did get up the ball dinners. The reason I borrowed the 4s was because I did not wish to change a £5 note which I received from the manager at the Pavilion.

The Recorder, in summing up, reminded the jury of the offence, which (at the discretion of the Court) could be punished with 14 years penal servitude, and said it was for the jury to consider whether there was sufficient evidence to convict him. When the money was missed the prisoner was away from the house, but on enquiry he found that he was frequently absent, which did away with any little suspicion which might attach to him on that account. The next thing was the evidence of the lad, who said that the prisoner ran away when he saw he was being followed. Nothing had been said about it, but they jury could see that prisoner wore glasses and was near-sighted, and it might be could not see a person at six or seven rods distance. His running at that time, if they believed the lad, might only have been a coincidence. There were these strong facts in his favour, that neither prosecutor nor his wife could speak of any gold having been taken, and he had never been seen beyond his own room. Where other persons might have had access to the money the evidence ought to be very direct and conclusive to fix the theft on any single person. If they thought there was any reasonable doubt, they should give the prisoner the benefit of it.

The jury consulted, and the foreman had collected the opinion of his fellow jurors, and was waiting till the Recorder had finished his perusal of some letters and papers belonging to the prisoner, when the Recorder told the jury that the prisoner had, of his own act, asked him to look at the papers, and it was only right to tell them that they showed his habits to have been very extravagant.

The jury, after hearing this, requested to retire, and after an absence of about five minutes they returned and found a verdict of Not Guilty.

Prisoner thanked the jury for their verdict, and was about to make a speech, when the Recorder told him he had better say nothing, but go.

This ended the business.

Before they were discharged the foreman of the Grand Jury called attention to the inaccuracies in the calendar. In this case prisoner was charged in the indictment with stealing £8 10s.; in the calendar it was £8.

Folkestone Observer 20-10-1866

Quarter Sessions

Wednesday October 17th:- Before J.J. Lonsdale

Vincent Brown, 22, mancook, imperfectly educated, was placed in the dock and arraigned on an indictment for stealing £8 10s, the property of George Peal, from his dwelling house, at Folkestone, on the 21st September last.

George Peal, sworn, said he was a brickmaker. He knew the prisoner, and he came to lodge in his (witness`s) house on Saturday the 8th of September. His house was No. 5, The Bayle, and prisoner occupied the back room on the middle floor. He lodged there for a fortnight and a day or two. He came in on Monday the 24th September for the last time. He had not slept there every night up to that time. A gas-pipe layer named Arnold also lodged in the house, and slept above prisoner`s room, in a room next door to witness`s room, at the top of the house. There is no door from Arnold`s room into witness`s room, but the rooms are both on the same landing. While the prisoner lodged in the house, witness lost £8 10s, which was kept in a square little box inside of the clothes box. The clothes box was kept in a corner of the room. Not under anything, nor near the door. The big box was kept locked, and the key was tied to the handle by the side of the box. Last saw the money safe in the box on Sunday morning, the 16th of September. Was putting some more to the money on that morning. It was in both gold and silver. On Thursday night, the 20th, his wife brought three sovereigns out of the box, witness having sent her for that amount. Did not recollect how much gold and how much silver was in the box before the wife brought the three sovereigns. There was £3 10s in silver in a bag in the corner for the rent. There might have been a half sovereign or two among the money, besides the three sovereigns. First missed the money on Sunday the 23rd, when he found the key in the lock of the large box. The little box was quite empty. The prisoner could get from his room to witness`s room only by going up the stairs. The wife`s brother, a little boy, was also in the house and he slept with Arnold. Had no reasons to think that he was not a good boy. Arnold was a respectable man; knew nothing against him; never found prisoner upstairs beyond his own room. When witness found the money was gone he went to the station and informed the police. Prisoner did not sleep at home on the Saturday night previous. He said he had slept with his cousin at Dover. Should think he had slept away from the house nearly half his time. Had not been to the box between the wife fetching the three sovereigns and the discovery of his loss. Prisoner came in on Sunday morning after witness had been to the Folkestone station. Did not see him till Monday; only heard from his wife that prisoner had been at the house on Sunday. He had been at the house on Monday morning while witness was away. Saw him under the Cheriton Arch about ten minutes or a quarter past twelve. Held up his hand to prisoner and said he wanted him. Prisoner came over to him at once, and witness said he had lost his money and thought he (prisoner) must have had it. Prisoner said “Do you think if I had it I should not have said to you when I came over “Well, I know I had your money and I shall pay you back?””. In the market place, underneath here, he said “Don`t I look pretty here, with a lot of people about? I`ll make you suffer for this”. Witness`s wife`s father was with him and prisoner came along quietly. Gave him in charge at the station for stealing £8 10s, and prisoner said nothing. The wife`s brother is turned twelve years of age. Never found occasion to find fault with his wife for being extravagant. T`other way (laughter).

Cross-examined: Did not say that the other man put his hand on prisoner. Had asked him to assist before prisoner came up, but did not know if prisoner heard it. Witness was on one side, and prisoner on the other. Neither of them put his hand on prisoner.

Mary Alice Peal, wife of last witness, recollected her husband sending her to get some money out of the box in her bedroom on Thursday the 28th of September. He sent her for £6. The key was on the handle of the box. Did not see how much gold was left in the box. Did not think there was much gold left. Went upstairs in a hurry and is not sure whether she left the key in the box or not. Found it in the lock on the following Sunday, which was the only reason for thinking she might have left it in. Never left it in the box before. Had never seen the prisoner up the stairs near the room door. Prisoner did not sleep at home on Saturday night. He came in between eleven and twelve on Sunday morning, just as her husband had gone out. Her husband had told her of the loss of the money before that. Prisoner told her not to cook any dinner; he had slept at Dover. He went upstairs and immediately came down again with a book. Witness said nothing to him, as she was alone, and afraid to speak. He came in again on Monday morning, while witness`s husband was at work, and asked what he owed, and witness said 3s. He gave witness 2s 6d and witness said that was not enough. He then gave her half a sovereign, which he took from his pocket. He then asked what he owed his laundress, and witness said 2s 4 1/2d. He then gave her money for that out of the change to the half sovereign. Prisoner gave her a sovereign to change on the Thursday, the day she brought down the three sovereigns. On the day before, the Wednesday, he borrowed 4s of witness to pay for his boats. Prisoner said he was getting balls up on the Camp. He said he was to have £3 for getting up the dinner. The ball took place before the money was missed, and before he borrowed the 4s. Lent him the 4s. He told witness to take the 4s out of the sovereign he had given her to change. On Monday, after he paid the money to witness for the rent and laundress, he dressed and went out, leaving his things in the house. Did not mention to him the loss of the money because she thought he would go right away altogether if he did. Her husband`s mother saw him go out, and then followed him. On Sunday morning sent a little boy to follow prisoner.

Cross-examined: Prisoner said Capt. Talbot would give him £3, not £2.

James Standing, 12 years of age, brother to last witness, recollected on Sunday morning 22nd September his sister told him to follow prisoner, and see where he went. He went down Grace Hill and up Mill Lane, and up near the new schools, prisoner looked round, and seeing witness coming, he ran away. Witness then lost sight of him. He was about seven or eight rods off when he began to run. Slept in the same room with Arnold. Had been in his sister`s bedroom once or twice. Never saw a key in the box there.

Cross-examined: Prisoner did not go into the wooden church.

William Martin, Superintendent of police, said he came into the police station about half past twelve on Monday the 24th of September, when prisoner was there, with the prosecutor and one of the constables. Prosecutor accused prisoner of stealing £8 from a box in his house. Said to the prisoner “You hear the charge against you. You must be cautious what you say. What money have you about you?”. He made no reply, but put his hand in his pocket and took out the portmonnaie now produced. Asked what money was in it. He made no reply. Found in one compartment of the portmonnaie three sovereigns, in another compartment were three shillings and a sixpence.

This was the case for the prosecution.

The prisoner then said he could account for what money he had had. He came from London to the Pavilion Hotel where he was employed by Mr. Doridant. He was there for seven weeks and was paid monthly. At the expiration of the first month they gave him £3. The day he left they gave him £7 8s 3d. What was the amount of silver he could not say. On the following evening that he left the hotel he went into prosecutor`s house. When he left the hotel, Mr. Farrant, the manager, gave him a card for Captain Talbot of the Royal Artillery, and said that there were balls coming off on the Camp, and he thought that he (prisoner) was quite capable of doing them. He went up there and got engaged, and they gave him at first 35s, but when the ball was over they gave him £2 4s 6d. Captain Talbot gave him a recommendation besides, which he thought was in court. After the ball was over he spoke to Captain Talbot about a ball of the 10th Battalion, and asked him if he could do him (prisoner) a service by recommending him. He said “With that recommendation I have given you, you had better go over and see the cook or messmaster”. Accordingly he went over and saw the cook, who arranged with him to go there for two days, but he did not know the date of the ball. The cook afterwards sent him a letter to go over to the Camp the same day, as the ball was the same evening. Accordingly he put his cap, jacket &c., in his pocket. In the evening the cook gave him £1 5s. He had summoned no witness to prove these statements, but he had a testimonial from the Camp, and a letter asking him to go and do these balls.

The Recorder reminded the prisoner that a witness that a witness said he had borrowed 4s of her.

Prisoner said the reason he borrowed that 4s was that he had lent a friend of his here some money, who had promised he should have it, and he had a £5 note which he did not wish to change. That £5 note he had from Mr. Farrant, the manager.

The Mayor, on being appealed to, said he believed what the prisoner had said was perfectly true, because his wages as second cook were rather high.

The Recorder then summed up the case to the jury, remarking that the offence charged was a very serious one, an offence for which the prisoner was liable to have fourteen years penal servitude. The evidence in such an offence ought to be very valid. The evidence was that the prisoner slept away, but the prosecutor said it was not the first time that the prisoner slept away, which did away with that little suspicion against the prisoner. The next thing was, if they believed the boy, he was told on Sunday morning to follow the prisoner, and he had said he followed the prisoner and the prisoner turned round and saw him, and when he saw him he turned round again and ran away. The prisoner wore spectacles, and he might not have seen the witness. The other thing against the prisoner was that when he paid his bill he pulled out a half sovereign, but he had previously had a sovereign. He had three sovereigns on him when searched, but there was this strong fact in the prisoner`s favour – that neither the prosecutor nor his wife, when the three sovereigns were taken out of the box can speak to more than half a sovereign being left there. There might have been two half sovereigns, but they did not go much beyond that as to gold. The prosecutor and his wife had told them that they never saw the prisoner above his own room, and that there was another room on the same floor as theirs in which another lodger slept. The only facts that showed a suspicion against him were his going away – which was not the first time -, his running away from the boy, and his pulling out a half sovereign. The evidence ought to be very clear, and if the jury had a doubt, they should give him the benefit of any doubt.

The jury then consulted in their box, and the papers to which the prisoner had referred in his defence were brought into court and examined. Among them were several bills for cab hire &c.

The Recorder then drew the attention of the jury to the papers, among them a bill for a fly to Beachborough and back for £1, another fly bill £1 13s, a third fly bill £1, &c. &c. There was a good deal of money gone there, the jury would see.

Prisoner: Yes, sir, but when I came down I had money with me besides what I had at the hotle.

The Recorder: It is my duty now, gentlemen, to tell you, as he has referred to these bills, that all these bills show that his habits were very extravagant.

Prisoner: I came down here on both pleasure and work.

The Recorder: Gentlemen, I leave the case now with you. They are his own papers, and they certainly show that his habits were very extravagant. The money had been got rid of, you know, but if you have any reasonable doubt, give him the benefit of it.

The jury retired, but in a few minutes returned with a verdict of Not Guilty, and the prisoner was discharged.

This closed the business of the court.

Folkestone Observer 14-12-1867


We have a pleasant fact to announce to the town – that the Pavilion Hotel will almost immediately pass into other hands, and Monsieur Doridant, ridding himself also of the lately purchased estate, will retire to Mentone, there to spend the remainder of his days in the quiet of his family and the respect of his neighbours.

The fact is pleasant to the town, because it may be hoped that once again our important personages, having no modern representative of the Israelite object of worship, will raise themselves into self-respect and the respect of the townsmen who are no longer important.

It is a pleasant fact, also, because we may hope that, as in the days of Mr. Breach, the trade of the town may be benefitted by the trade that is done at the hotel, and that Mr. Edwards, the incoming lessee, will not strain to the utmost, by resorting on every occasion to the London wholesale markets, his advantage as a large consumer.

Nor will the Town Council be subjected during the next twelve months to the growing swagger, which in it`s last exhibition defied them to meddle with the hotel in it`s sewerage or it`s rating without an Act of Parliament – no sensible relief, perhaps, to the meek Pavilion-fed councillors, but a matter of some consideration to their constituents outside the council room.

Then, too, it saves some unpleasant labours contemplated for next November, and the representation of the East Ward will now be wholly changed almost without exertion, for if the Don goes, Sancho cannot possibly be endured.

Sundry other causes for rejoicing might be enumerated, but we hasten to terminate our relations with Monsieur Doridant by stating that the separation we do not lament is imminent, and that invitations to the farewell ball on Friday next are already issued.

Note: The reference to November was in relation to the election of the Town`s Mayor.

Folkestone Observer 21-12-1867


Mr. Doridant gave a farewell party on Thursday and ball on Friday (yesterday) to his immediate friends, prior to his giving up the hotel and retiring to Mentone. Mr. Edwards, late of the Salisbury Hotel, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London, enters into possession in a few days.

Our announcement last week of the transfer of the hotel took the town by surprise, and many were incredulous – most of the unbelievers having no positive ground for unbelief, though a few, who were cognisant of certain proceedings between Mr. Doridant and the South Eastern Director, and, especially of a recent interview with the Board, justified their doubts by questioning the consent of the Directors to release Mr. Doridant from his tenancy. Mr. Doridant`s recently purchased estate at Hawkinge is not yet disposed of, though an offer has been received for it within £400 or £500 of the price asked.

This is a miserable collapse of Mr. Doridant`s ambition. With all his good fortune in acquisition of money, he has been as remarkably deficient in capacity to take up the life of an English gentleman among English gentlemen as in understanding the character of our English institutions and of the English press. Essentially French – French bourgeois, in all his ideas, he is incapable of thinking as an Englishman, or of appreciating things that are distinctly English; and though, as amongst the blind, the one-eyed is king, so here, in a town that has in it no native root of gentility, the moneyed man, for his money, is accepted as the representative of a gentleman, yet among ancient families whose root of gentility was struck in English soil ages since, Mr. Doridant`s pretensions to genteel life were ignored, and after a brief twelve months` struggle he retires, even from England. We do not pretend to mourn his retirement. Let Mr. Doridant leave us, with the regrets, doubtless, of the haunters of the Pavilion, but to the satisfaction of the town at large.

Kentish Gazette 31-12-1867

The Pavilion Hotel: With regard to a statement made that the hotel was let, and that Mr. Doridant in­tended leaving Folkestone, having disposed of his estate, we are very glad to be able to say that as to the hotel, it is premature, and false as to the other portions, so that the town will not lose the benefit of Mr. Doridant’s residence, nor will his seat in the Council be vacant, unless he be driven from it by the abusive and insulting epithets heaped upon him by a certain party in the town, from personal motives.

Folkestone Chronicle 11-1-1868

Pavilion Hotel

Arrangements were concluded on Tuesday last for transferring the lease of this important hotel to Mr. Edwards, and as soon at the valuation and other necessary preliminaries are executed the new landlord will take possession. Although Mr. Doridant leaves the hotel, he will not necessarily absent himself from Folkestone, reserving to himself as a summer residence for occasional visits to Folkestone his own private establishment on the Marine Parade.

Folkestone Observer 11-1-1868


When, less than a month since, we said “We have a pleasant fact to announce to the town – the Pavilion Hotel will almost immediately pass into other hands, and Monsieur Doridant, ridding himself also of the recently purchased estate, will retire to Mentone, there to spend the remainder of his days ........ we hasten to terminate our relations with Monsieur Doridant by stating that the separation we do not lament is imminent” – when, we say, that on the 14th ultimo we unveiled a jealously guarded fact of interest to the town, all the newspapers of the county were called into requisition by the haunters of the Pavilion to deny, blankly, or circumstantially, or with a qualification – the denial becoming less peremptory with the lapse of days – all that we had said. And yet on Old Christmas Day – the day to which we pointed, though without naming it – the gentleman whom we named as the future lord of the Pavilion became it`s actual master. The fact is announced on the authority, we believe, of a friend of Mr. Doridant`s, a dignitary of the town, that “Arrangements for the transfer of this hotel to Mr. Edwards were made on Tuesday evening last, and in the course of a week or two that gentleman will take possession. We are very glad to be able to say, however, Mr. Doridant does not give up his pretty private residence in Marine Parade, and will retain his seat on the Town Council. Although Mr. Doridant now retires from business it is well known that it is not the profits of the Pavilion, large though they may have been, that has enabled him to do so, but his succession to the family estate in France. The fortunate investment of a legacy provided the purchase money of Mentone”.

“Pretty private residence” indeed! The corner house of a row of lodging houses, and which has hitherto been used by Mr. Doridant merely as a supplement to the hotel, whose lawn it immediately adjoins. If the hog-head cook whose portrait used to face the title pages of cheap editions of Dean Swift`s “Advice To Servants” were to appear among us as a man of wealth, not a few would prostrate their souls before him too as before Monsieur Doridant, and talk of his pretty private residence, family estate (Mercy upon us! Do we not all know the hole of the pit from whence he was digged?), and so on.

Now as to the legacy, let us say that it is four years since, before the legacy story was dreamt of, that Mr. Doridant, feeling his wealth increase, attempted to set up for a private gentleman – that he was looking out for “an estate of £20,000 with a house on it; he did not care if it was an old house, but it must be a large house where he could entertain his friends when they called on him”, that four years since, or more (for both the facts have been in our possession that length of time, and from sources outside this town), Mr. Doridant offered £17,000 for Mr. Morris`s estate at Sandgate. The legacy indeed! To say nothing about a certain £5,000 that could not co-exist with the legacy, we may point to the Mentone purchase fund (surely it is not intended to say that “Mentone” in it`s entirety has become a Doridant appanage), even apart from the Pavilion revenue, when we remind all who two or three years since had conversation with Monsieur Doridant, of the building operations at Mentone on the line to be taken by a railway, which were pushed on in hot haste, and which were ultimately taken by the Railway Company, on compensation.

But we are tired of Monsieur Doridant; we would not have thrown these words after him, but first of all to point to the verification of that which we had said, and which had been so positively, and then so cunningly denied; and secondly, to reprove again, and we hope for the last time, that undignified – unmanly, we would say, if, unfortunately, humanity were not capable of the vilest grovelling – prostration of our public men before mere wealth, wealth unassociated with anything that in their callow days mankind are taught to admire; that anxious snobbism that has it`s highest happiness in fawning and being patronised. Faugh! Mr. Doridant will not long trouble us, nor his seat on the Council. Our late chief publican`s residence will henceforth be Mentone.

Kentish Gazette 14-1-1868

The Pavilion Hotel: We are given to understand that arrangements for the transfer of this hotel to Mr. Ed­wards were made on Tuesday evening last, and in the course of a week or two that gentleman will take possession. We are very glad to be able to say, however, that Mr. Doridant does not give up his pretty private residence in Marine Parade, and will retain his seat in the Town Coun­cil. Although Mr. Doridant now retires from business, it is well known that it is not the profits of the Pavilion, large though they may have been, that have enabled him to do so, but his succession to the family estate in France. The fortunate investment of a legacy provided the purchase money of Mentone.

Folkestone Observer 18-1-1868 


In the exercise of our vocation last week, we treated somewhat contemptuously, as Niebuhr treated the history of the founders of Rome, those fables that were beginning to encrust the history of the man whom our civic magnates have lately delighted to worship; and we called upon those gentlemen whom the town really has honoured to do honour to themselves and to the town. Sorry are we to say that the call was in vain, for on the very next business day, at the invitation of that expiring Councillor, Mr. Fitness, the Council, in General Purposes Committee assembled, considered the propriety of inviting Mr. Doridant to a dinner, for the reason (!) simply that the Observer had laughed at the pretensions set forth for him, and had given some incidents of his career, not in themselves opprobrious, but which they would have preferred to have been kept from public observation. Such a proceeding is not distasteful to the Observer, for, notwithstanding much provocation thereto, these columns have as yet contained no review of the three Mayoralties of Mr. Doridant. We have been content to let him pass into the natural insignificance that attaches to such a character as his when no adventitious circumstances surround him. It is true that we did announce his approaching departure, and congratulate the town thereupon; and beyond that we should not have proceeded, had not the fulsome flatterers of the man, who has nothing to which flattery can attach but his wealth, blundered into ubiquitous denial, and malignant lying. Let them blunder on; the man whose second Mayoralty opened with a Sunday drinking row at his own table, and closed with a Sunday fight in his kitchen on which the magistrates were called to adjudicate, has very small honour to gain from canvassing of his Mayoralties, and we pledge ourselves that if challenged to do it in the form indicated they shall be canvassed.

We have dealt with Mr. Doridant as a public man, or in his acts affecting the public welfare – and thus only; and if the public men of the town think that it is to the advantage of themselves and of the town that unsparing and just criticism shall follow the occupant of the civic chair, they may have the same by challenging it, either for Mr. Doridant, or any successor of his.

Local Intelligence

The inmates of the Pavilion have raised a subscription in order to present Mr. Doridant with a testimonial.

Folkestone Chronicle 15-2-1868


The employees of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, determined to present Mr. Doridant, on his relinquishing the hotel, with some memento of their long association, set on foot a subscription among themselves with that object, and within two hours of it being mooted they raised sufficient to enable themselves to purchase a large and very handsome Tureen, weighing over 100 ounces, which was presented to Mr. and Mme. Doridant on Monday evening at the hotel, the occasion being the birthday of their little son. Mr. Quiddington, the manager, with all the servants of the establishment having assembled in one of the saloons, requested the attendance of Mr. and Mme. Doridant, who were entertaining a few friends, and upon their coming in with their friends, Mr. Quiddington stepped forward and begged their acceptance of the tureen, at the same time reading the following address, and presenting each of them with a copy of it, which had been very neatly printed on white satin:-

To Mons. And Mmme. Doridant

Respected Sir and Madam,

We find with much regret that you are about retiring from business, and we cannot permit such an event to take place without expressing our gratitude for you kind and generous consideration at all times, and our deep sorrow at parting.

We, the undersigned, beg to offer you this tureen as a proof of our attachment to you, and as a remembrance of the event which separates us from an excellent Master and Mistress.

That you may be blest with health, long life, and happiness, with your little son, is the sincere prayer of your faithful and humble servants. (Here follow the signatures, 76 in number)

The inscription on the tureen was as follows:

Presented to Mons. and Mme. Doridant on their leaving the Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, by their servants, as a token of regard and esteem.

Mr. Doridant, who was very much moved, replied that he did not expect so valuable a memorial from his servants, and but for the manner in which it was presented, would certainly have refused it. If it had been a gold pencil case, or something of that sort, he should have been quite satisfied, but he was now quite overcome by their kindness. Every person must make his own place in the world, by his ability, and he wished every one of them might do as well as he had done. It was not his position or his fortune that caused him to retire, but the delicate health of Mrs. Doridant. He did not like changes, and some of the servants had been in the house 20 or 30 years, which showed that they were good servants, and that it was a good house. After again thanking them for the expression of good will, he asked them all to drink the good health of little Charlie. A first rate supper was provided for them in the servants` hall, to which they repaired, and after justice had been done to it songs and toasts were given, and the party did not break up till after two o`clock, having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Folkestone Observer 15-2-1868


The Folkestone Chronicle has a special vocation for denial – something like a Pavilion retainer for special assertion. During Mr. Doridant`s second Mayoralty a dinner ticket reached the Chronicle office one Wednesday for a dinner on Thursday in the following week. A penal year and a half had passed since such an invitation had been received there, and it was more than a fortuitous circumstance, we may assume, that on the Saturday intervening between the receipt of the ticket and the receipt of the dinner, the Folkestone Chronicle contained a denial of a certain not very creditable letter asserted by the Observer a week before to have been sent by the Mayoral lord of the Pavilion. The dinner was over when the Observer came out next week with a repetition and enlargement of it`s assertion; and the dinner being over, the pugnacity of the Chronicle had evaporated, and no further denial was given.

So, too, when in December last the Observer intimated the approaching transfer of the Pavilion Hotel from Mr. Doridant to Mr. Edwards, the Chronicle gave a point blank denial; and yet already Mr. Doridant has ceased to be landlord of the Pavilion and Mr. Edwards reigns in his stead – though, to be exact, we must say that there is a more than trifling difference between the two valuations, which is not yet settled.

Then, more recently, the Observer asserted that the increased yearly rent to be paid to the South Eastern Company by the new lessee of the Pavilion was £500 – and the Chronicle copied the paragraph. But last week that paper came out with the following disclaimer – “We desire now to contradict that erroneous statement, as we have been informed on the best authority that Mr. Edwards enters upon his new undertaking on precisely the same terms as Mr. Doridant relinquishes it, for the remaining ten years of the term of his lease”. This statement may be true, and we care not to know whether it be true or not. The original statement was made by the Observer on the authority of a person only less interested in the future rental of the Pavilion than Mr. Edwards himself. We do not care to maintain that authority; and at the same time we do not accept as of any weight whatever the denial of the Chronicle, for there is a very evident reason why the rental of the Pavilion should be publicly stated at a figure much below it`s actual amount. Even under the old rental, as paid by Mr. Doridant, the Pavilion escaped a very large proportion of the rates which it ought to have contributed to the town, and if the rental is publicly known to be increased to £2,500 or £3,000, there can be no hope that the Pavilion can be rated at £1,140 a year, the other ratepayers of the town continuing to be rated at four-fifths their rentals. It is the Pavilion`s advantage which lies in the fact being as last stated in the Chronicle that utterly vitiates the credibility of the Chronicle in making it`s assertion. It may be as stated, and it may be otherwise, and the probabilities either way are not increased by the statements or by the silence of the Folkestone Chronicle on the matter.

All the other ratepayers of the borough have to pay more because the lessee of the Pavilion pays less. There can be no difficulty in ascertaining the rental for the purpose of assessment for rating; the Assessment Committee of the Poor Law Guardians have extraordinary powers as to documentary evidence, and there are documents very easily within their reach on which they can found a fair and equitable assessment; and if the Assessment Committee continue to suffer so unjust an inequality to exist, it will become a subject for consideration whether an appeal should lot be made to the Poor Law Board.

Kentish Gazette 18-2-1868

In view of the ap­proaching retirement of Mr. Doridant, for three successive years Mayor of this borough, the servants employed at the Pavilion Hotel, decided a few weeks ago to present that gentleman with some testimonial of their regard for him, during the long period some of them have been with him. To show the heartiness with which the matter was taken up we may remark, that within two hours after the subject was broached at the hotel, a sufficient sum was raised to pur­chase a very handsome Tureen of solid silver, weighing over 100 ounces, which was supplied by Messrs. Garrard, of the Haymarket, and bore the inscription: “Presented to M. and Mdme. Doridant, on their leaving the Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, by their servants, as a token of regard and esteem.” Yesterday week being the seventh birth­day of Master Charles Doridant, and as a party of friends were being entertained at dinner on that day, the occasion was taken advantage of by the excellent manager of the hotel, Mr.Quiddington, to present the testimonial, and accord­ingly the persons employed on Pavilion work - at the farm, the garden and the laundry - were invited to be present in the evening, and they assembled with all the servants in the house that could be spared, in one of the spacious salons of the south-west, and Mr. and Mrs. Doridant, were requested to attend; accordingly escorted by their friends and leading in little Charlie they came, and Mr. Quiddington in a neat brief speech presented the tureen for their acceptance, hoping that they both would be spared for many years to enjoy its use, and assuring them that they would be always remembered with grati­tude. He read an address, a copy of which, beautifully excected on white satin, he presented to each of them. Mr. Doridant, who with Mrs. Doridant, seemed deeply affected, replied. He said he did not expect so valuable a testimonial from his servants, and almost regretted that they had given him so handsome a token of their hearty goodwill. However he could not refuse it, because of the marner in which it was offered, and would always regard it as a token of the esteem he felt for every one of them. When Mr. Quiddington asked permission to make him a present from the servants, he thought perhaps it would have been a pencil case, and was now quite overcome. Every person must make his station in the world by his own ability, and he hoped they would each succeed as he had done. He had been in very many hotels, but wherever he was he thought of the Pavilion with pride, not because it was such a large house, but because of the manner in which it was conducted, and because of the servants with whom he was quite satisfied. He did not like changes, and as some of the present servants had been in the house for 20 or 30 years it shewed that they must be a set of good servants and it must be a good house. He again thanked them for their expression of good will, and said that their present would always continue to remind him of them. They bad been good enough to mention little Charlie, and as it was his birthday he hoped they would all drink his health. The party then, after admiring the tureen and its oak case, retired, the guests to the drawing­ room en suite, and the servants to their hall, where a good supper was provided, after which wine was placed on the table, and with songs and speeches the evening passed merrilv away. Mr. and Mrs. Doridant have not forgotten heir faithful servants who have held responsible positions for some little time, but in one way or another have acknowledged their long services.

Folkestone Chronicle 28-8-1869

Tuesday August 24th: Before S. Eastes, J. Gambrill, J. Clark, and J. Tolputt Esqs.

The court was crowded chiefly with visitors from the Pavilion Hotel.

Theophile Alexandre Gohier was charged with stealing certain articles from the Pavilion Hotel on Monday morning last.

Henry King, a barrister, said: I am staying at the Pavilion Hotel. On Sunday evening I occupied a private room, No. 39 on the second floor. I was disturbed soon after four o`clock on Monday morning by a noise, and on rousing myself I saw the figure of a man by my bedside. I jumped up and said “Who the Devil are you?”, and the man glided out of the room. I jumped out of bed, ran outside the door, and saw him retreating along the corridor, disappearing about the centre of it, on the right hand. I made a great noise shouting “Friends” and “Porter”, and lots of people came out. It was not light, but there was a dim light. I searched my room, and missed my gold watch with two gold chains attached, a gold pencil case, (one chain was a neck curb, the other an Albert, with a seal attached), a silver fusee case, and my purse, with £6 in gold, and 22s. or 23s. worth of silver, to the best of my belief. The purse was a green and brown knitted silk purse with gold slides. My bedroom door was not locked. A chair was placed against it, but I am a heavy sleeper and I did not hear it pushed away. About the middle of the day I saw my property in the hands of Supt. Martin. That now produced is mine. I identify it by it`s general appearance. The value of the property stolen was about £60.

Charles Badois having been sworn, interpreter, translated the evidence to the prisoner, who did not cross-examine any witness.

William Frederick Goldsmith, head waiter at the hotel, said prisoner came to the hotel three or four days ago, occupying room 55 on the second floor, nearly close to that occupied by prosecutor, in the centre of the corridor on the right. On Monday morning prisoner paid his bill to go by the 9 a.m. train.

Supt. Martin said: Yesterday morning I was sent for to go to the Pavilion, and from information received I watched prisoner`s room. He left it soon after eight o`clock, and I saw him leave the hotel. I directed a constable to watch him, and going up to his room, examined it. In a black bag I found those (thieves) tools produced, which made me suspect prisoner. The tools are a pair of key nippers, and of cutting nippers. I afterwards went to the railway station, and apprehended prisoner just as he was leaving by the nine up train. I searched him in presence of Inspector Burr of the railway police, and found the purse with the watch and chains inside his left hand breast pocket, the fuse box and pencil case in his waistcoat pocket. They were afterwards identified by prosecutor as his property. Another gold watch, knife, portmonnaie with £3 in gold and 12s. 6d. in silver, and a snuff box in one trouser pocket, and 10s. loose in another trouser pocket. 20s. was returned to me by the South Eastern Railway Company as cash put down to pay for his ticket. An hotel bill was in his pocket. I charged him with stealing the articles from the hotel. He made no reply. I think prisoner understood what I said, although he is not an Englishman, for he has since spoken in English to ask for food.

Prisoner was then formally charged with stealing the articles mentioned, and having been cautioned said he had only been in England six weeks. He was a stranger here, and knew no-one that he could call as a witness to character. He acknowledged himself guilty of the crime imputed to him, and he was committed for trial at the ensuing Quarter Sessions for the borough.

Prosecutor applied to have the articles given up into his possession, as they were the daily necessaries of existence, but the Bench was unable to comply with his request.

Folkestone Express 28-8-1869 

Tuesday, August 24th: Before S. Eastes, J. Tolputt, J. Gambrill and J. Clark Esqs.

Theophile Alexandre Goleier, alias Lion Antoni, was charged with stealing a gold watch, two gold chains, one gold pencil case, one silver fusee box, and one knitted silk purse with gold slides, and £7 3s. in money, the property of Mr. Henry King, being of the value of £60. The prisoner being a Frenchman, Mr. Charles Badois was sworn interpreter.

Mr. Henry King said he was a barrister, of No. 5, Paper Buildings, Inner Temple. He was now staying at the Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone, occupying room No. 39 on the second floor. A little after four o`clock on Monday morning he awoke and saw the figure of a man by his bedside. He jumped up and said “Who the devil are you?”. The man glided out of the room. He jumped out of bed and ran outside the door and saw the man retreating along the corridor, and ultimately disappearing about the centre. He raised an alarm and several people came. He missed the property from the room he slept in. The door of the bedroom was not locked; there was a chair against it, but being a heavy sleeper he did not hear it pushed back. The property produced was that lost.

Mr. William F. Goldsmith, head waiter at the Pavilion Hotel, deposed to the prisoner occupying No. 55 on the second floor at the hotel; that room is nearly central.

Superintendent Martin said from information he received he went to the Pavilion Hotel and watched the prisoner go out. He then went to the bedroom he had occupied, and in a black travelling bag he found a pair of key nippers for opening doors, and a pair of nippers for cutting gold chains. He went to the Lower Railway Station just as the nine o`clock up train was starting. The prisoner was at the ticket box and asked for a ticket for London. He then went to the prisoner and told him he was suspected of committing a robbery at the Pavilion Hotel. He made no reply, but shook his head. Witness then took him into the ladies` waiting room and searched him in the presence of Inspector Burr, of the Railway Police. The property produced was found on him. The prisoner spoke English at the police station.

The Magistrates committed the prisoner for trial at the next Borough Quarter Sessions.

Southeastern Gazette 30-8-1869

Local News

Theophine Alexandre Gohier was charged on Tuesday, at the Police Court, before Silvester Eastes, James Tolputt, J. Gambrill, and John Clark, Esqrs., with stealing from the Pavilion Hotel a gold watch, two gold chains, a gold pencil case, a silver fusee box, and a silk purse with gold slides, containing £6 in gold and 23s. in silver the property of Henry King, on the 23rd instant.

Prosecutor said: I am a barrister-at-law, and am staying at the Pavilion Hotel. I was there on Sunday evening last, and occupied room No. 39 on the second floor. Something caused me to wake a little before four o’clock, when I was conscious of the figure of a man standing by my bedside. I jumped up in bed and said, “Who are you?” or rather “Who the devil are you?” (laughter) and the man went out of the room.

I got out of bed, and saw the man retreating along the corridor, and go into a room about half way down it.I made an alarm and gave information to the landlord, Mr. Edwards.

Supt. Martin deposed that having received information of the robbery, he on Monday examined the prisoner’s bedroom while he was out, and found in a bag two nippers—one evidently used for opening doors and the other for clipping chains. He afterwards saw the prisoner at the railway station, and watched him take a ticket for London. He then took him into custody, and found on him most of the property stolen.

The prisoner, who is a Frenchman, had the evidence interpreted to him by Monsieur Bandoit. He said nothing in answer to the charge, and the magistrates committed him for trial at the next quarter sessions.

Folkestone Chronicle 9-10-1869

Quarter Sessions

The usual Michaelmas Quarter Sessions for the borough were held yesterday before the learned Recorder J.J. Lonsdale Esq., who in his charge to the Grand Jury referred to various changes in the law during the past session, and as they are important, and the demand on our space this week prevents our giving them, we shall probably do so next week. There was only one case for trial, that of Theophile Alexandre Gohier, alias Leon Antoni, for stealing on the 23rd August, at the Pavilion Hotel, a gold watch, two gold chains, a gold pencil case, a silver fusee box, a slik purse with gold slides, and £7 3s. in money, the property of Henry King, a barrister, staying at the hotel. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to five years` penal servitude.

Folkestone Express 9-10-1869

Quarter Sessions

Friday, October 8th: Before J.J. Lonsdale Esq.

Theophili Alexandre Gohier, alias Leon Antoni, 30, described as a Commercial Agent, was charged with stealing on the 23rd of August last a gold watch, two gold chains, a gold pencil case, a silver fusee box, a silk purse with gold slides and containing a sum of £7 3s. in money, altogether of the value of £60, the property of Mr. Henry King, a gentleman temporarily stopping at the Pavilion Hotel. The prisoner pleaded Guilty. Mr. C. Badois acted as interpreter in this case, the prisoner affecting to be unacquainted with the English language.

The circumstances attending this case were published by us in our Police Report. The prisoner passed himself off as a gentleman and put up at the Pavilion, where he effected the above robbery, but was captured by Supt. Martin.

The learned Recorder, in passing sentence, said he had no doubt that the prisoner had been in the habit of committing these crimes, and he must therefore pass the severe sentence that he be kept in penal servitude for five years.

Southeastern Gazette 11-10-1869 

Quarter Sessions

The usual Michaelmas Quarter Sessions for the Borough were held on Friday, before the learned Recorder J.J. Lonsdale Esq.

Theophile Alexandre Gothier, alias Leon Antoni, for stealing on the 23rd August last a gold watch, two gold chains, a gold pencil case, a silver fusee box, a silk purse with gold slides, containing a sum of £7 3s. in money, altogether to the value of £60, the property of Mr. Henry King, a gentleman temporarily stopping at the Pavilion Hotel.

The prisoner pleaded Guilty.

Mr. C. Badois acted as interpreter in the case, the prisoner affecting to be unacquainted with the English language.

The prisoner passed himself off as a gentleman, and put up at the Pavilion, where he effected the above robbery, but was captured by Supt. Martin.

The learned Recorder, in passing sentence, said he had no doubt that the prisoner had been in the habit of committing these crimes, and he must therefore pass the severe sentence that he be kept in penal servitude for five years.

Kentish Gazette 12-10-1869

The usual Quarter Sessions for the borough were held on Friday, before the learned Recorder, J. J. Lonsdale, Esq. There was only ease for trial, that of Theophile Alexandre Golner for stealing a gold watch, two gold chains, and other property, to the value of £60, from the Pavilion Hotel, on the 23rd August last. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to five years' penal servitude.

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