Thanks And Acknowledgements

My thanks go to Kent Libraries and Archives - Folkestone Library and also to the archive of the Folkestone Herald. For articles from the Folkestone Observer, my thanks go to the Kent Messenger Group. Southeastern Gazette articles are from UKPress Online, and Kentish Gazette articles are from the British Newspaper Archive. See links below.

Paul Skelton`s great site for research on pubs in Kent is also linked

Other sites which may be of interest are the Folkestone and District Local History Society, the Kent History Forum, Christine Warren`s fascinating site, Folkestone Then And Now, and Step Short, where I originally found the photo of the bomb-damaged former Langton`s Brewery, links also below.


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Sunday, 20 October 2024

Folkestone Lugger, Sandgate Road 1808 - 1885

Two men stand outside the Folkestone Lugger in this photo of c1865. Credit Eamonn Rooney

Frances Poskett 1808 1815 To Fountain (1)
John Richardson 1815 1825 Ex Hovelling Boat
Thomas Court Listed 1825
Joseph Earl 1837 1846 from Marquis Of Wellington
Richard Fowle 1846 1860
Frederick Taylor c1860 1885 Renamed East Kent Arms

Folkestone Sessions Books 1765 – 1779 & 1792 - 1811

General Sessions 31-5-1808

Before Thomas Baker (Mayor), John Castle, Joseph Sladen and John Bateman.

Thomas Dangerfield appeared and requested to have an ale licence granted to Francis Poskett, which was agreed to.

Folkestone Sessions Books 1765 – 1779 & 1792 - 1811

General Sessions 28-6-1808

Before Thomas Baker (Mayor), John Minter and James Bateman.

Thomas Dangerfield appeared and asked to have an ale licence granted to Francis Poskett, which was agreed to.

Kentish Chronicle 29-5-1812 & Kentish Gazette 29-5-1812

Advertisement (Part)

To Brewers and others; To be sold by Auction, by Ayerst and Reeve, at the Folkestone Arms, in Folkestone, on Monday, the 22nd day of June, 1812, at four o`clock in the afternoon:

Lot 1: All that freehold, well-accustomed public house and premises called the Folkestone Lugger, with a large piece of ground adjoining, situate in Cowgate Street, in the Town of Folkestone, in the occupation of Francis Poskett, who has had notice to quit at Michaelmas next.

Note: Date is at Variance with More Bastions.

Maidstone Gazette 12-8-1845

At a Special and Petty Sessions held at the Town Hall on Tuesday last, before J. Bateman Esq., Mayor, D. Major and W. Major Esqs., and Capt. Sherren, the following alehouse licenses were transferred, viz: from Joseph Earl, of the Folkestone Lugger, to Richard Fowle; from said Richard Fowle, of the British Lion, to Robert Burvill; from William Harrison, of the Marquis of Granby, to James Hall; from said James Hall, of the Ship, to John Harrison; from James Collard, of the King`s Arms to William Smith.

Note: Transfers of Folkestone Lugger, British Lion, Marquis of Granby are earlier than previously known. Neither licensee for Ship listed in More Bastions.

Maidstone Gazette 7-8-1849

Petty Sessions, Tuesday; Before C. Golder Esq., Mayor, W. Major and J. Bateman Esqs.

Richard Fowle, of this town, publican, appeared to answer the information of John Edward Laeon, Comptroller of Customs, for keeping disorderly persons in and about his house, against the tenor of his license. Mr. Delasaux appeared on behalf of defendant. The case was dismissed, there being an error in the information

Dover Chronicle 15-12-1849

An elderly woman, named Richardson, many years landlady of the Folkestone Lugger, Sandgate Road, was picked up in the street and taken to her miserable residence at the back of the Folkestone Cutter, where she was found dead the next day.

Southeastern Gazette 8-10-1861

Birth: On the 29th ult., at the North Foreland Inn, Sandgate Road, Folkestone, the wife of Mr. Taylor, of a daughter.

Note: This is incorrect and refers to the Folkestone Lugger. Confirmed by birth record on Ancestry.

Folkestone Chronicle 5-12-1863 

Extract from a meeting of the Folkestone Corporation on Wednesday, when the Corporation were discussing the widening of Sandgate Road, which would involve the taking down of some property: Mr. Hoad thought the line ought to be struck from the east end of the Lugger, as no doubt the Lugger would be rebuilt one day, the line then would be an improved one, and the street widened by about 2 feet.

Mr. Tite did not think it probable that Mr. Ash would rebuild the Lugger very soon, seeing that he was now laying out a £1,000 on it.

Folkestone Express 9-11-1878

Tuesday, November 5th: Before The Mayor, General Armstrong, J. Kelcey and R.W. Boarer Esqs.

John Lyon and Charles Pritchett were charged with being drunk and disorderly in the Sandgate Road on Monday.

Superintendent Wilshere said he was sent for about one o`clock to eject the two prisoners from the Lugger Inn. They were drunk. When they got outside they commenced to shout, and therefore were taken into custody.

They were both discharged with a caution.

Folkestone Chronicle 22-8-1885


Mr. Pledge will be one of the retiring members of the Corporation next November, but such bold outspoken remarks as he has made this week respecting claims made on the Corporation for compensation deserve to be appreciated by his constituents, who should send him back to repeat his protest whenever necessary. The Lugger, a hostelry in the Sandgate Road, is about to be pulled down, and another house will be built on the site. The owners are compelled to set back, giving up about sixty feet, which, most likely, if there were no law to compel them to set back, they would themselves do to improve the property. For this little slice of land the owners coolly ask £300. This called forth the fury of Mr. Pledge, who complained of the Corporation being looked upon as an inexhaustible milch cow by those who have property coming within the prescribed line. The Corporation, we are glad to say, having bought their experience, has put its foot down, and have declined to treat on such terms, a resolution they are resolved to adhere to. If they remain firm, and snap their fingers at the threats of lawyers and agents, they will be setting an example which must have a salutary effect on others who have land to sell.

In another case a builder offered a slip of land in the Black Bull Road for exactly the same sum he gave for it. A fairer offer could not have been made or expected. Amongst a small minority of the Council, however, a disposition was evinced to haggle and to wait, the idea being expressed that if they tarried until the owner built upon his land, he would be glad enough to give it up for nothing. Why should he be expected to do so, more than the owner of property in Sandgate Road? When a ratepayer makes a fair offer like this, we think it should receive liberal consideration and that no invidious distinction should be drawn between individuals, localities, or the prestige of position. Mr. Holden at once seized the opportunity to do a just act, which was seconded by Mr. Penfold, and urged that the £20 asked, and which was recommended by the General Purposes Committee, should be given. We are pleased to learn that the Corporation accepted the proposal. In both cases the Corporation on Wednesday acted in a spirit of justice, and so long as they do this, and rise above all personal considerations, they will command, as they deserve to do, the confidence of the town.

Corporation Meeting Extract

A letter was read from Messrs. Ash and Co., offering to sell the land required by the Corporation, should they set back, for £300.

Ald. Sherwood said they could not entertain the offer of that sum, as it was a great deal too much.

Mr. Willis thought it would be advisable to pass a resolution stating that whilst they were willing to negotiate, they could not give anything like that price. He would move that as a resolution.

Ald. Hoad seconded. He thought it would be ridiculous for them to entertain anything like the offer of the land for £5 a foot, as looked upon in any light it was not worth anything like that.

Mr. Pledge said he should advise them to let Messrs. Ash pull down the premises before in any way entertaining that offer. Indeed, considering the improvement that would be made to the property, he thought, if anything, they should come to them for compensation. It was, to him, so absurd to see the effort to pitch upon the Corporation for compensation whenever they can, and to dip into their pockets. He would suggest that they should at once put their foot down and make an offer of £50, which was quite as much as the land was worth. If it came into their hands it was not worth twopence to the town. It was a little nook, or corner, which its owners would be glad to remove for the benefit of the property.

The Mayor said there had not been, as Mr. Pledge seemed to suggest, any beating about the bush. In fact, if he would support Mr. Willis`s motion, Mr. Pledge`s views on the question would be met with.

Mr. Willis`s motion was then put and carried.

Ald. Sherwood asked whether they could not now make the offer of £50. This sum coincided with his estimate of what it was worth.

Ald. Hoad said that, having passed the resolution, they could hardly re-open the question.

Mr. Wedderburn believed the new tenant would take possession in a few weeks, so Messrs. Ash would wish to commence the alterations. It was desirable for both parties that the matter should be settled as speedily as possible.

Mr. Pledge said he believed he had suggested a fair price. If there was any member of the Council who thought that more should be offered, let him now speak out.

Folkestone Express 22-8-1885

Corporation Meeting Extract

A letter was read from Messrs. Ash, owners of the Lugger Inn, received since the last meeting, in which the writers stated that they were about to make considerable alteration in the premises, and thought it would be an excellent opportunity for the Corporation to get the house set back in a line with the adjoining property, as no doubt as it at present stood it was a great eyesore. If the Corporation was content to give them £300, they would be willing to set back and put up a new front to the building. (Laughter)

The Mayor thought they could not for a moment entertain the offer of Messrs. Ash.

Councillor Willis said it seemed to him that the new front was conditional on their giving that sum of money. He did not know, as an East Ward member, that he ought to say much about it. But he would not close up all negotiations, because they might revert to it at some time and make a counter-offer – certainly not so high as that asked.

Councillor Holden agreed that the Corporation could not accept that offer.

Alderman Sherwood said it was a question whether they could build on the same foundations again. They would be overlapping both Mr. Simpson and the house below. Even if they could build on the old foundation, its condition would not allow them to put a heavy building on top of it. There was no doubt it was desirable to set the property back to the line, but not at such a cost as that. If a fair and reasonable sum was asked he should suggest its being accepted, but the price asked was out of all question. It was at the rate of £5 per square foot. Land in Sandgate Road was valuable no doubt, but he had not heard of its having fetched that price yet. He thought the matter might be referred to the General Purposes Committee, and for that Committee to take the matter up when it was desirable to do so.

Councillor Willis said what he meant was that they should write a letter to Messrs. Ash, stating that however desirable it would be to carry out the improvement, those terms were far higher than they could entertain. He would leave it open to them to make another offer. He would move to that effect.

Alderman Hoad thought it was a fair and reasonable resolution. He did not think they ought to pay anything like £5 a foot, but if a letter of that sort was written to them, it would show the folly of asking so much. He would second the resolution.

Councillor Pledge supposed if the property was pulled down they could not build out to the line where they were now, but would have to conform to the bye-laws. They asked the Corporation to buy it. Why didn`t they ask for some little compensation, and not ask the town to buy it? It must eventually fall into their hands, and therefore it seemed to him absurd to ask £300 for it. Everybody who had got any building going on pitched on the poor Corporation and wanted to get their hands into the Corporation purse. It was getting to such a pitch that it was time it was knocked on the head. He should like to have seen the Corporation offer them £50, and intimate that it would be final. If it came into their hands it was not worth twopence. There was a little nook there, but their own common sense would not allow them to build out and leave it as it is now.

The resolution was then put and carried.

Subsequently Alderman Sherwood suggested that an offer of £50 should be made, but it was not deemed advisable to do anything further at that moment.

Kentish Gazette 25-8-1885 

Town Council: At a meeting on Wednesday, the Deputy Town Clerk read a letter from Messrs. Banks and Son asking the Corporation what they intended to do with regard to the acquisition of a piece of land at the site of the Lugger Inn for the widening of Sandgate Road. A letter was also read from Messrs. Ash and Co., brewers, Canterbury, stating that as they intended making considerable alterations at the Lugger Inn it would be an excellent opportunity for putting the house back in a line with the adjoining property. If the Corporation would give them £300 they were willing to set back. Councillor Willis moved that a reply be sent to Messrs. Ash, stating that the Council were desirous of making the improvement, but they felt that the terms were beyond their acceptance. Alderman Hoad seconded, and the motion was carried. 

Folkestone News 24-10-1885

Wednesday, October 21st: Before Capt. Carter, J. Fitness and J. Holden Esqs.

The licence of the Lugger was transferred from Mr. Taylor to Mr. J.P. Scott.

Kentish Gazette 17-11-1885 

Canterbury: On Friday Inspector Ells and Police Constable Sinclair arrested a man for stealing a pony and trap belonging to Mr. Scott, landlord of the Lugger Inn, Folkestone. The pony and trap were found at the Bee Hive Inn; they had been offered for sale to Mr. Green, landlord of the Maid of Kent Inn.

Kentish Gazette 24-11-1885 

At the Folkestone Police Court last week, William Armett, a man of about 60 years of age, and of shabby genteel appearance, was charged with stealing a pony and cart, with harness, whip and rug, amounting in value to over £50, the property of John H. Scott, proprietor of the East Kent Stables, Sandgate Road, Folkestone.

Mr. Scott said that on Friday, November 13th, prisoner had the pony and trap to go to Dover.

Joseph Bennett, stableman, 14, North Lane, Canterbury said: I saw prisoner in Canterbury yesterday about two o`clock in the Flying Horse yard. The pony was in the stable and the cart in the lodge. He was talking to three or four men about selling the cart. I did not take much notice of him, but went to dinner. He pointed out the cart and was offered £7 for it, but I did not hear what else was said. I came back about 3 o`clock. I then saw prisoner and another man in the cart driving the pony, and I recognised as they came round the corner that it was Mr. Scott`s pony. The prisoner stopped at the Flying Horse bar, and I held the pony`s head as he got out the trap. He was talking to several men about selling the cart, rug and whip, and said they belonged to him. He was trying to bargain with the man who was in the trap with him. He said the pony and harness did not belong to him. I had my suspicions and telegraphed to Mr. Scott, and when I came back from the Post Office the prisoner and trap were gone. I afterwards saw it at the stable about 5 o`clock and took it away from him and told him I should give him into custody in consequence of instructions I had received in a telegram from Mr. Scott. I took the pony and trap and put them in the Bee Hive stables, and returned to find the prisoner, but he was gone, and I saw him again at the Police Station about eight o`clock. I told several they should not part with their money until I had got an answer from Mr. Scott. The man in the cart with prisoner was Alfred Hills, a stableman and a dealer in a bit of a way.

Prisoner was committed for trial.


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