The former Marquis Of Granby |
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Former Marquis of Granby 1998. Credit Martin Easdown |
Kentish Post 12-10-1763.
Folkestone, in Kent:
This is to give notice that John Bolden hath opened there a new inn, known by the sign of the Marquis of Granby, being a very commodious house, with very good stables, and a large yard, with a good gateway for coaches and chaises to drive in, situate near the middle of the main street leading from Dover to Hythe, where all Gentlemen and others, who will be so kind as to favour him with their custom, may be assured of meeting with good entertainment, and the civilest usage, and their favours thankfully acknowledged by their very humble servant, John Bolden.
Note: Later start date for Marquis. Earlier date for Bolden.
Kentish Post 7-1-1767
To be sold by auction, in several lots, on Tuesday next, the 13th instant, at the Marquis of Granby Inn, at Folkestone, between the hours of ten in the morning and two in the afternoon; all the spemeceti, oil and blubber of one whale, lately brought on shore at Folkestone aforesaid, and now laying in casks at that place.
To be seen by applying to Mr. James Clarke, at Folkestone.
Kentish Gazette 16-11-1771
To be sold to the highest bidder, by Mr. Edward Rutter, of Dover, at the Granby Head Inn (sic), in Folkestone, and to be put up in small lots for the convenience of the purchasers: A considerable quantity of Irish and printed linens, chintz patterns and copper-plate cottons of all prices, and all sorts of handkerchiefs, hosiery, ribbons and lace, and many articles too tedious to mention.
The sale to begin on Tuesday the 19th instant at two o`clock in the afternoon, and to continue till all is sold.
The above goods were lately purchased under a commission of bankruptcy.
Kentish Gazette 23-6-1773
The land and houses advertised in the preceding papers to be sold by auction on Thursday next, the 24th instant, at the Marquis of Granby, in Folkestone, are all disposed of by private contract.
Kentish Gazette 4-8-1779
Advertisement: FOLKESTONE: All Gentlemen Volunteers who are willing to serve His Majesty King George in the Royal Regiment of Cinque Port Volunteers, commanded by the Right Honourable Frederick Lord North, let them repair to the rendezvous at the Marquis of Granby in the said town, or to the Mayor of the same town, where they shall receive two guineas each, and on their joining their respective corps shall receive a further reward of twelve guineas each, and as a further encouragement for such Royal Volunteer they are to receive all new clothes, and not to be marched out of England; and at the expiration of three years are to be discharged, if required, or sooner if the exigency of the times will admit. And as a still further encouragement every Gentleman Volunteer who shall so serve in this Corps will be entitled to set up and follow any trade or calling in any part of Great Britain, except the two universities.
Kentish Gazette 29-4-1780
Advertisement: To be sold by auction at one o`clock on Monday next, the 1st day of May, at the Granby Inn, at Folkestone, in several lots, Fifty barrels of pitch, free of duty. The same may be seen by applying to Mr. James Clark at his house near the Granby.
Kentish Gazette 21-3-1781
Extract of a letter from Dover, March 19: “The important news of the success of His Majesty`s Arms by Admiral Rodney and Gen. Vaughan in the West Indies hath been received at this place with great demonstrations of joy. The guns have been fired at the castle, forts, and vessels in the harbour; the 52nd Regiment of Foot, the eastern battalion of the Middlesex Militia, and the Dover Association were drawn out, and fired three volleys each, and this evening the town in general will be illuminated.”
On the news of the brave Admiral Rodney`s success there was a general illumination in the town of Folkestone, and the Mayor, Jurats and Commoners, with the other gentlemen of the town met at the Granby Tavern to celebrate this important news.
Kentish Gazette 4-7-1781
Advertisement: Union Society, at Folkestone: Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the said Society will be held at the Marquis of Granby, in the said town, on Monday next, the 9th of July; when and where any person desirous of becoming a Member thereof may be admitted, on being approved, and on paying the usual entry money of Twenty Shillings.
N.B. This Society is possessed of a large capital.
Dinner will be on the table at one o`clock.
Folkestone, June 30th, 1781.
Kentish Gazette 18-8-1781
Advertisement: Thomas Marks, of the Granby, Folkestone, begs leave to acquaint Gentlemen, Ladies, and others that he intends keeping a booth on Barham Downs, in the Race Week, as usual. It having been reported that he intends to decline keeping one he is obliged thus to contradict such report, and begs the continuance of his friends` favours, which will much oblige their humble servant, T. Marks.
Tea, ninepence per head.
Note: Date is at variance with More Bastions
Kentish Gazette 3-7-1782
Advertisement: Union Society, at Folkestone: Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the said Society will be held at the Marquis of Granby, in the said town, on Monday, the 6th of July inst., when any person under the age of forty years may be admitted a member, being approved of, and paying Twenty Shillings entrance.
The Society is possessed of a large capital.
A sermon will be preached on the occasion, as usual.
Dinner to be on the table at One o`clock.
Kentish Gazette 28-6-1783
Folkestone, June 23, 1783; Union Society. The annual meeting of the said Society will be held at the Granby Inn, in the said town, on Monday, the 7th day of July next, when the members are requested to attend, there being some particular business to be then transacted.
Any person desirous of becoming a member, being under forty years of age, may be admitted on paying twenty shillings entrance.
will be a sermon preached, as usual. Dinner will be on table at one o`clock.
Kentish Gazette 7-7-1784
Advertisement: Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Union Society for the benefit of widows, established in teh town of Folkestone, will be held the 12th of this instant at the Marquis of Granby Inn, in the said town, when and where any proper person under the age of twenty five years, desirous of becoming a member, may be admitted Gratis; from twenty five to thirty on paying half a guinea, and from thirty to forty, a guinea. None above that age to be admitted.
This Society is possessed of a capital of upwards of One Thousand Pounds.
Dinner at one o`clock.
Kentish Gazette 18-8-1784
Advertisement extract: To be sold by auction, sometime in the month of September next, the time and place of which notice will be given in this paper, (unless the premises should in the meantime be disposed of by private contract), the following freehold and copyhold estates, viz;
Lot 1 A messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances in Folkestone, lying at the back part of the Three Compasses, and now in the occupation of the widow Godden.
The three first lots are copyhold, and the rest freehold, being the estate late belonging to Mr. Thomas Baker, Brewer, of Folkestone aforesaid, deceased.
For particulars enquire of Mrs. Ann Baker, or of Mr. John Baker, Brewer, at Folkestone aforesaid.
And all persons to whom the said Thomas Baker stood indebted at the time of his decease are desired to send an account thereof to the said Ann Baker or John Baker, in order that they may be discharged. And all persons indebted to the estate and effects of the said Thomas Baker are desired forthwith to pay the same into the hands of the said Ann Baker or John Baker, or they will be sued for the same without further notice.
The sale actually took place on 2nd October at the Marquis of
Kentish Gazette 16-3-1785
Advertisement: To be sold by Private Contract, a Stage Coach and harness for four horses. Enquire at the Marquis of Granby, Folkestone.
Kentish Gazette 15-11-1785
Advertisement: The creditors of Richard Elgar, of Folkestone, in the county of Kent, builder, dealer and chapman, a bankrupt, are desired to meet the assignees of the said bankrupt`s estate and effects, on the 29th day of November instant, at two o`clock in the afternoon, at the Marquis of Granby in Folkestone aforesaid, in order to assent to or dissent from the said assignees commencing, prosecuting or defending any suit or suits at law, or in equity, concerning the said bankrupt`s estate or effects. And also to their compounding, submitting to arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any matter or thing relating thereto, and on other special affairs.
Kentish Gazette 18-7-1786
To be let and entered upon at Michaelmas next, The Marquis of Granby Inn, at Folkestone, an old established house in full trade.
Enquire of Mr. Baker, Brewer, Folkestone.
Kentish Gazette 29-10-1793
Marquis of Granby Inn, to be let and entered upon immediately, being an established house, in full trade, desirably situated in the town of Folkestone.
to Mess. Nutt and Sankey, brewers, Canterbury.
Kentish Chronicle 1-4-1794
Marquis of Granby Inn, Folkestone.
Thomas Marks respectfully informs his friends and the public in general that he has retaken and refitted the above inn in a manner he flatters himself will prove agreeable to those who please to favour him with their commands.
Note: Suggests that he had previously held the licence, but no record of that known.
Kentish Gazette 4-7-1794
Union Society, Folkestone. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the said Society will be held at Mr. Thoms Marks`s, the Marquis of Granby Inn, in Folkestone, on Monday, the 7th of of this instant, July, when the particular attendance of the Members is requested by the Stewards.
There will be a sermon on the occasion, service to begin at eleven o`clock. Dinner on table at One.
Kentish Chronicle 1-11-1796 & Kentish Gazette 4-11-1796
Folkestone Union Society: All the members of the Union Society are requested to meet on Monday next, precisely by eleven o`clock in the forenoon, at the sign of the Marquis of Granby, in Folkestone, to consider of making a proper distribution of the monies already collected and belonging to the said Society; and to enforce the immediate payment of all such bonds and securities as remain due and owing, and ought to be paid for the use of the said Society.
Oct. 31, 1796
Kentish Chronicle, Kentish Gazette 30-5-1797
Old Union Society, Folkestone: Notice that a meeting of the members will be held at the Marquis of Granby, in Folkestone, on Wednesday, the 21st day of June, 1797, at eleven o`clock in the forenoon, when and where all the Members, Pensioners and Widows are particularly requested to attend, or to authorise some person or persons to attend for them, as a state of the fund will be laid before them, and a proposition is expected to then be made for dissolving the Society and dividing the fund.
William Reynolds, Treasurer.
Kentish Chronicle 10-9-1799
Sunday last, Thomas Baker Esq., was re-elected Mayor for the year ensuing, being the sixth time of his election to that respectable office, which he has heretofore filled with the greatest credit by his unremitting attention to the public duties. Yesterday an elegant entertainment was given on the occasion to the members of the corporation and the principal inhabitants at the Granby Inn.
Kentish Chronicle 27-8-1805
On Saturday morning, Wm. Slater, a private in the Light Dragoons, shot himself in the hay-loft of the Marquis of Granby Inn, Folkestone. He has been 26 years in the regiment. The Coroner`s inquest sat on the same day and brought in a verdict of self-murder. He was in consequence buried in the highway near the parsonage barn.
Kentish Chronicle 5-1-1808
Several robberies have been committed in the town of Folkestone within the last week. An outhouse of the Marquis of Granby Inn was on Monday night broken open, and two turkeys, two ducks and a great coat stolen therefrom.
Kentish Chronicle 3-5-1808
The general Sessions of the Peace and Gaol delivery, for the Town and Port of Folkestone, was held on Friday, at the Guildhall, before the Mayor, Recorder, (C. J. Lawson, esq.) and Jurats.
Three Soldiers, viz. William Hatch, William Anderson, and John Davison, belonging to the 16th Light Dragoons, were arraigned for an assault on Charles Stebbings, the landlord of the "Marquis of Granby Inn," in Folkestone, in the night of the 4th of January last, and the charge being proved, the jury found them all guilty; and, after an appropriate admonition from the Recorder, in which he expatiated on the enormity of Soldiers being the assailants, who ought to be the guardians and protectors of our lives, liberties, and properties, they were sentenced to imprisonment for three calendar months in Folkestone gaol.
Kentish Chronicle 13-9-1814
On Thursday, Sept.8, Henry Butcher Esq. was elected Mayor of Folkestone for the year ensuing, and appointed John Bateman Esq. his deputy, and Mr. Richard Tapley was elected Chamberlain. The Corporation partook of an excellent dinner, provided at the Granby Inn, and the day was spent with great conviviality.
Kentish Chronicle 31-8-1819
Advertisement extract:
Valuable brewery, free public houses and other estates to be sold by auction by Messrs. White (without reserve). Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and before the major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William Sankey, of the city of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the Guildhall of the said city of Canterbury, on Wednesday, the 22nd day of September, at eleven o`clock in the forenoon (subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced).
Lot 20: A messuage called the Marquis of Granby, with the tenements, stable, and other outhouses, yard, garden, orchard, and ground thereunto belonging, and now in the several occupations of Charles Stebbings, Thomas Marks and ----------, or their undertenants.
Note: Later date for Marks.
And all the above lots will be sold subject to the tenants in possession claiming their fixtures by the power of removing them, or being allowed for them by a valuation in the usual way, and to quit rents (if any).
There will be no auction duty payable.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. Plummer and Son, or Mr. J.J. Pierce, solicitors, Canterbury; or to Messrs. Wiltshire, Bolton and Cole, solicitors, Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, at whose respective offices printed particulars may shortly be obtained.
Kentish Chronicle 28-9-1819
Auction extract:
To be sold by auction by Messrs. White (without reserve). Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and before the major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William Sankey, of the city of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the Guildhall of the said city of Canterbury, on Friday, the 15th day of October, at eleven o`clock in the forenoon (subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced).
Lot 4: A messuage called the Marquis of Granby, with three tenements, stable, and other outhouses, yard, garden, orchard, and ground thereunto belonging, and now in the several occupations of Charles Stebbings, Thomas Marks and others
For further particulars apply to Messrs. Plummer and Son, or Mr. J.J. Pierce, solicitors, Canterbury; or to Messrs. Wiltshire, Bolton and Cole, solicitors, Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London.
Dover Chronicle 31-1-1835
January 22nd, at the Marquis of Granby Inn, Folkestone, Mr. William
Harrison senr., aged 64 years.
Kentish Chronicle 3-2-1835
Death: Jan. 22, at Folkestone, Mr. William Harrison, father of Mr. Wm. Harrison, landlord of the Marquis of Granby Inn, Folkestone, aged 48 years.
Note: Name differs from More Bastions, which lists Thomas Harrison
Dover Telegraph 7-2-1835
Death: Jan. 22, at Folkestone, Mr. William Harrison, father of Mr. William Harrison, landlord of the Marquis of Granby Inn, Folkestone.
Note: Name differs from More Bastions, which lists Thomas Harrison
Note: Name differs from More Bastions, which lists Thomas Harrison
Dover Chronicle
We were highly gratified on Tuesday last at the arrival of four buses from Dover, with a party of respectable persons visiting our town for the purpose of, as we have since been informed, forming a Druids` Lodge at the Marquis of Granby.
Dover Telegraph
Death: April 1, at Folkestone, George, son of Mr. Harrison, of the Marquis of Granby, aged 24 years.
Kentish Gazette 23-4-1844
April 1, at Folkestone, George, son of Mr. Harrison, of the Marquis of Granby Inn, aged 24.
Maidstone Gazette
At a Special and Petty Sessions held at the Town Hall on Tuesday last, before J. Bateman Esq., Mayor, D. Major and W. Major Esqs., and Capt. Sherren, the following alehouse licenses were transferred, viz: from Joseph Earl, of the Folkestone Lugger, to Richard Fowle; from said Richard Fowle, of the British Lion, to Robert Burvill; from William Harrison, of the Marquis of Granby, to James Hall; from said James Hall, of the Ship, to John Harrison; from James Collard, of the King`s Arms to William Smith.
Note: Transfers of Folkestone Lugger, British Lion, Marquis of Granby are earlier than previously known. Neither licensee for Ship listed in More Bastions.
Maidstone Gazette 4-7-1848, Dover Telegraph 8-7-1848
All that valuable freehold inn, called the Marquis of Granby, situate at the bottom of the High Street, in the town of Folkestone, and fronting the new street now forming through the valley.
The house is capable of being converted into a first-rate inn, as the purchaser may, at his option, be accommodated with a sufficient portion of land adjoining the said new street, whereon he may make such additions as he may deem requisite.
This property is well worth the attention of brewers or innkeepers, it being situate in front of the said new street, now forming in the rapidly improving town of Folkestone, and which new street will be the chief thoroughfare and principal place for business of the town.
The house has for some time past, and is now, doing a considerable business, and several clubs are held there.
The property may be viewed by application to the tenant, and all further particulars had of Mr. C. Porter, Albion Villas, Folkestone; or of the auctioneer, Folkestone; or of Messrs. Brockman and Watts, Solicitors, Folkestone.
Maidstone Gazette 24-10-1848
Advertisement: To publicans and others, Marquis of Granby Inn, Folkestone, Kent. Mr. M. Major respectfully announces that he is favoured with instructions from the proprietors (in consequence of the house being required for the improvements in the new street), to sell by auction on the premises, on Monday and Tuesday, October 30th and 31st, 1848, the whole of the valuable furniture, quantity of nearly-new plate, linen, china, glass, and other effects belonging to the old-established and for many years well-conducted inn; including beds of the first quality and condition, bedsteads and every chamber requisite, club room and bar furniture, a first-rate bagatelle board by Thurston (new), with cues, set of ivory balls, and marking board complete, 2 excellent beer engines, and all the necessary implements for carrying on business in the public line.
Full particulars will be contained in catalogues, to be had of Mr. Christopher Porter, Builder, and of the Auctioneer, Folkestone.
Sale to commence at One o`clock each day.
Note: This apparent closure previously unknown. C.P. Davis notes that the house had been bought by the Tontine proprietors.
Maidstone Gazette 18-12-1849
Petty Sessions, Tuesday; Before David Major Esq., Mayor, Charles Golder and Wm. Major Esqs.
Transfer of licenses: John
Baker, Marquis of Granby, to Samuel Cheeseworth; William Williams, Pavilion
Shades, to John Baker; William Nieves, Freemason`s Arms, to Henry Taylor;
William Wilson, North Foreland, to John Wallis
Notes: Marquis of Granby; Neither licensee previously known. Freemason`s Arms; Neither licensee previously known. North Foreland; Earlier dates. Pavilion Shades; Earlier finish for Williams.
Dover Chronicle 2-3-1850
Dover County Court, Saturday last, before Charles Harwood Esq., Judge.
Hawkins v Samuel Cheeseworth: This was an action for the recovery of £4 10s. The debt was for a beer-engine which the plaintiff, a plumber, at Buckland, sold to the defendant, an innkeeper, at Folkestone. Mr. Richard Harvey supported the claim, and Mr. James Gravener appeared for the defendant. The objection raised by defendant to to the payment of the debt was that the engine was a very indifferent one, and did not act well. It was also stated on the part of the defendant that the expense of repairing the engine, owing to its defects, had been very great.
His Honour, in giving judgement, said that he would take off 15s., which had been paid for the repair of the beer engine, and gave a verdict for the plaintiff for the remainder, £3 15s
Dover Telegraph 2-3-1850
Dover County Court, Saturday last, before Charles Harwood Esq., Judge.
Hawkins v Cheeseworth: This was an action for the recovery of £4 10s., the amount of a three-pull beer-engine , sold to defendant, a publican, at Folkestone. Mr.Harvey supported the claim, and Mr. Gravener, jun., appeared for the defendant. Witnesses were examined on both sides, and from the evidence elicited it appeared that defendant, in November, 1849, bought the engine of plaintiff at the sum now claimed, with the understanding that it was to do its work well. After being supplied with the article payment was requested, but for various reasons put off. Subsequently, on being pressed for the money, defendant complained of the defective action of the engine, and that it was not, nor had it been when first purchased of plaintiff, in the condition warranted. Evidence was also adduced that it was leaky, and had undergone repairs, and required new rods. At the conclusion, it having been satisfactorily proved that it was not what plaintiff warranted it to be, judgement was given for £3 15s., 15s. being deducted for the necessary repairs to put it into good working condition.
Dover Chronicle, Dover Telegraph 13-4-1850
Dover County Court, April 11, before Charles Harwood Esq., Judge.
Cheeseworth v Bryant: Mr. Tapley, for plaintiff, stated that this was a claim for £5, received by defendant under the following circumstances:- Some time since defendant, hearing that Cheeseworth was desirous of leaving a public house at Folkestone, went to him, and offered his services to procure a tenant. Defendant then wrote to a person named Rogers, who looked over the house, and eventually agreed to take the same, for which he paid defendant a deposit of £5. Rogers afterwards refused to ratify the agreement, and defendant kept the £5 for his expenses in the transaction.
Mr. Harvey, for defendant, said his client considered himself entitled to some recompense for his trouble, and would leave it to the Court to fix the amount.
His Honour thought a guinea was ample remuneration for the services rendered, and gave the plaintiff a verdict for £3 19s.
Maidstone Gazette 22-10-1850
Petty Sessions, Wednesday; Before J. Bateman, C. Golder, T. Golder and W. Major Esqs.
The following licenses were transferred: From Samuel Cheeseworth, of the Marquis of Granby, to George Castle Hills; John Bridgeland, of the Cooper`s Arms, to Henry Barber; Henry Taylor, of the Freemason`s Arms, to Edward Wyborne.
Notes: Earlier date for Hills at Marquis; earlier leaving date for Bridgland at Cooper`s and Barber previously unknown.
Maidstone Gazette 21-10-1851
Petty Sessions, Wednesday; Before R. Hart Esq., Mayor, J. Bateman, W. Major and S. Mackie Esqs.
George Castle Hill,
landlord of the Marquis of Granby, High Street, was summoned for allowing the
drainage of his house to run on the public highway. Mr. Bamford and Inspector
Steer proved the case. Defendant stated that he had no drain into the main
sewer, and could not afford to put one, and his landlord, Mr. Delmar, had
refused to do so. The magistrates fined him 50s. and costs, to be paid in three
days, and advised him to have a drain put in at once, or he would be liable to
similar penalties.
Dover Chronicle
Dover County Sessions, yesterday, before S. Finnis Esq., Mayor;
William Whitehouse, labourer, was charged with stealing a drab great coat, value £3, from H. Worthington Esq., of Maxton Farm, on the 27th June last.
Mr. Worthington said the coat produced was the property of his son, Henry, who was now in America. On the 27th June it was safe in the hall of the house, and was missed on the same evening. He gave intimation of the robbery to Police Constable Bayley on the following day, who then told him that he had the coat at the station house, having found it in the possession of the prisoner, whom he apprehended at Folkestone on another charge.
Police Constable Bayley said that on the previous evening he apprehended the prisoner on his liberation from the gaol, where he had been confined. On the 28th June last he had apprehended him at Folkestone on a charge of stealing three waistcoats belonging to Oliver Underwood. The prisoner was tried and convicted of this theft at the last sessions. When taken at Folkestone he said he had been lodging at the Marquis of Granby. Witness there found the coat produced, in charge of the landlord, named Hills, who said he had received it from the prisoner. Prisoner then acknowledged that he had stolen the coat.
Whitehouse, in defence, said that he was Guilty of the theft, and that the state of starvation he was in at the time alone prompted him to steal it.
His Worship committed him to take his trial at the East Kent Quarter Sessions at Canterbury.
Southeastern Gazette
Death: Aug. 26, at Folkestone, Ann, the wife of Mr. Charles Pritchard, of the Marquis of Granby.
Note: Earlier date for Pritchard.
Southeastern Gazette 28-2-1854
Local News
The licence granted to Charles Pritchard, of the Marquis of Granby, High Street, has been transferred to John Kennett.
Note: Date is at variance with More Bastions. No mention of Pritchard.
Dover Chronicle
Petty Sessions: The licence granted to James Goode, of the Earl Grey, High Street, has been transferred to John Harrison. The licence granted to Charles Pritchard, of the Marquis of Granby, High Street, has been transferred to John Kennett.
Note: License change differs with More Bastions
The licence of the Marquis of Granby was transferred from Mr. Down to Mr. William Pinnock
Kentish Gazette 23-2-1858
On Wednesday, before the Mayor, Gilbert Kennicott, Esq., and W. Major. Esq., the licence of the
Marquis of
Granby was transferred from Mr. Down to Mr. William Pinnock.
Kentish Gazette 23-2-1858
On Wednesday, before the Mayor, Gilbert Kennicott, Esq., and W. Major. Esq., the licence of the
Marquis of Granby was transferred from Mr. Down to Mr. William Pinnock.
Dover Chronicle 1-1-1859
Dover Police Court, Wednesday: Before The Mayor and J. Coleman, S.M. Latham and L. Stride Esqs.
William Thompson was brought up on remand, charged with having obtained from a sergeant in the Royal Artillery 1s. by false pretences.
The evidence of a sergeant named Rawles, who gave his testimony the previous day, having been read over, John Drew, a corporal in the Royal Artillery, deposed: I am stationed on the recruiting service at Folkestone. I know the prisoner, and saw him last on the 22nd of this month at the Marquis of Granby, in High Street, Folkestone. The prisoner came there to me for the purpose of enlisting in the army. I asked if he would prefer the Royal Artillery. He replied “No.” I then mentioned to him several other regiments, and he at last chose the 20th Foot. I afterwards put the usual questions to him, viz., if he were free, able and willing to serve Her Majesty in the 20th Regiment of Foot for the term of ten years, and also for such further term, not exceeding two years, as should be directed by the commanding officer on any foreign station. To this question he answered “Yes.” After this I asked him if he were ruptured or lame, or whether he had any disorder or disability which would impede the free use of his limbs, when he replied that he had not. I then gave the prisoner the enlistment shilling. On the morning of the 23rd I sent him to the camp at Shorncliffe by a gunner named Pierce, in order that he might be examined there by a surgeon attached to the Artillery.
George Pierce, the gunner alluded to by the last witness, proved that he took the prisoner to be examined by the military surgeon, and that he was rejected as unfit for service on account of a disease in his legs.
The prisoner, having been cautioned, had nothing to say in defence. He was then committed for trial.
Dover Quarter Sessions, Wednesday: Before William Henry Bodkin Esq.
William Thompson, who had been committed for trial by the Magistrates that morning, was charged with having obtained a shilling by false pretences. The facts of this case will be found fully reported in our borough police news. The guilt of the prisoner was clearly established, and the Recorder, in passing sentence, said that numerous instances were taking place daily, where persons obtained money and lodgings at the public expense, in the manner the prisoner had done. It was an offence which had lately increased to a great extent in all parts of the country, and must be put a stop to.
Thompson was then sentenced to undergo three months imprisonment with hard labour
Dover Express 1-1-1859
Dover Police Court, Wednesday: Before The Mayor and J. Coleman, L. Stride and S.M. Latham Esqs.
William Thompson, the man remanded from the previous day on a charge of fraudulently obtaining one shilling from Sergeant Rolle, of the Royal Artillery, was again brought up.
Corporal Drew, stationed on the recruiting service at Folkestone, said: I saw the prisoner on the 22nd of the present month at the Marquis of Granby public house, High Street, Folkestone, where he came to me to enlist. I asked him if he wanted to enlist in the Royal Artillery, and he said “No.”. I afterwards named several regiments to him, and he preferred the 20th Regiment of Foot. I then put to him the usual questions, and asked him if he was free, able and willing to serve Her Majesty in the 20th Foot for a term of ten years, and for any further term, not exceeding two years, as should be directed by the commanding officer on any foreign station, and he replied “Yes.”. I afterwards asked him if he were ruptured or lame, or had any disorder which would impede the free use of his limbs, and he said “No.” I then gave him the enlisting shilling, and on the morning of the 23rd I sent him to the camp at Shorncliffe by a gunner named Pierce, to be examined there by the Artillery doctor.
Gunner George Pierce, of the Royal Artillery: On the morning of the 23rd the last witness sent me with the prisoner to Shorncliffe Camp in order that he might be examined by the doctor of the Royal Artillery (Dr. Clifton.) After undergoing examination the prisoner was rejected as unfit for the service on account of diseased legs.
The prisoner, after having been cautioned in the usual manner, offered no defence, and was then committed for trial at the Sessions.
Dover Quarter Sessions, Wednesday: Before William Henry Bodkin Esq.
Wm. Thompson, file cutter, who had been committed by the Magistrates on the same morning, on a charge of fraudulently obtaining a shilling of Sergeant Rolle, was sentenced by the Recorder to three calendar months imprisonment.
Dover Telegraph 1-1-1859
Dover Police Court, Wednesday: Before The Mayor and J. Coleman, L. Stride and S.M. Latham Esqs.
William Thompson, remanded from the previous day on a charge of fraud, was again brought up.
Corporal Drew, stationed on the recruiting service at Folkestone, said: I saw the prisoner on the 22nd of the present month at the Marquis of Granby public house, Folkestone, where he came to me to enlist. I asked him if he wanted to enlist in the Royal Artillery, and he said “No.”. I afterwards named several regiments to him, and he preferred the 20th Regiment of Foot. I then put to him the usual questions, and asked him if he was free, able and willing to serve Her Majesty in the 20th Foot for a term of ten years, and for any further term, not exceeding two years, as should be directed by the commanding officer on any foreign station, and he replied “Yes.”. I afterwards asked him if he were ruptured or lame, or had any disorder which would impede the free use of his limbs, and he said “No.” I then gave him the enlisting shilling, and on the morning of the 23rd I sent him to the camp at Shorncliffe by a gunner named Pierce, to be examined there by the Artillery doctor.
Gunner George Pierce, of the Royal Artillery: On the morning of the 23rd the last witness sent me with the prisoner to Shorncliffe Camp in order that he might be examined by the doctor of the Royal Artillery. After undergoing examination the prisoner was rejected as unfit for the service on account of diseased legs.
The prisoner, after having been cautioned in the usual manner, offered no defence, and was then committed for trial at the Sessions.
Dover Quarter Sessions, Wednesday: Before W.H. Bodkin Esq.
Thompson, committed for trial this morning for fraudulently obtaining a
shilling from Sergeant Rolle (see our Police Report) now pleaded Guilty to the
charge, and was sentenced to three months imprisonment. Mr. Poland prosecuted.
Kentish Gazette 24-5-1859
Robert Downs, formerly landlord of the Marquis of Granby, High Street, Folkestone, but latterly keeping the Victoria, at Sandgate, committed suicide by hanging himself on Friday morning in an outhouse attached to his premises. Family quarrels are assigned as the cause.
Southeastern Gazette 24-5-1859
On Saturday last, the county coroner, Mr. T.T. Delasaux, held an inquest on the body of George Downe, aged 56 years, a beer-shop keeper, and many years a constable of the parish of Cheriton, who committed suicide by hanging himself on the previous day. From the evidence it appeared that the son of the deceased went to call his father, when he found the bedroom door fastened on the inside, &c. On breaking it open, he discovered the deceased hanging, and quite dead. A verdict of “Temporary insanity” was returned.
Canterbury Journal 28-5-1859
On Saturday last Mr. T.T. Delasaux held an inquest on the body of George Downe, aged 56 years, a beer-shop keeper, and many years constable of the parish of Cheriton, who committed suicide by hanging himself on the previous day. From the evidence it appeared that the son of the deceased went to call his father, when he found the bedroom door fastened on the inside. On breaking it open, he discovered the deceased hanging, and quite dead. A verdict of “Temporary insanity” was returned.
Dover Chronicle 28-5-1859
Sandgate: An inquest was held here on Saturday last by Mr. T.T. Delasaux on the body of George Downe, who had committed suicide by hanging himself. The son of the deceased deposed that on the previous day went to call his father, when he found the door of his bedroom fastened on the inside, and on breaking it open, he discovered the deceased hanging, and quite dead. The jury returned a verdict of “Temporary insanity.” The poor man had been for many years a constable in the parish of Cheriton, but latterly kept a beer-shop.
Dover Express 28-5-1859
On Saturday last, the county coroner, Mr. T.T. Delasaux, held an inquest on the body of George Downe, aged 56 years, a beer-shop keeper, and many years a constable of the parish of Cheriton, who committed suicide by hanging himself on the previous day. From the evidence it appeared that the son of the deceased went to call his father, when he found the bedroom door fastened on the inside, &c. On breaking it open, he discovered the deceased hanging, and quite dead. A verdict of “Temporary insanity” was returned.
Kentish Express 28-5-1859
On Saturday last, the county coroner,
Mr. T.T. Delasaux held an inquest on the body of George Downe, aged 56 years, a
beer-shop keeper, and many years constable of the parish of Cheriton, who
committed suicide by hanging himself on the previous day. From the evidence it
appeared that the son of the deceased went to call his father, when he found
the bedroom door fastened on the inside, &c. On breaking it open, he
discovered the deceased hanging, and quite dead. A verdict of “Temporary
insanity” was returned.
Dover Chronicle 14-4-1860
Petty Sessions, Wednesday, April 11th: Before the Mayor, J. Tolputt and William Major Esqs.
The license of the Marquis of Granby was transferred from Michael Clark to Henry John Richardson.
Note: Richardson previously unknown.
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