Kentish Chronicle 27-7-1813 & Kentish Gazette
extract: To be sold by auction, by Mr. David Major, at the Granby Inn, in
Folkestone, on the 12th day of August next, at three o`clock in the
afternoon (unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which due notice
shall be given) subject to any such conditions as shall be then and there
1 A very compact Freehold Ale and Table Brewery, Malthouse and Storehouses,
with the Herring Hang adjoining, coppers, vats and other fixtures belonging
thereto, situate at the entrance of the town of Folkestone from Hythe. These
premises have been newly fitted up in a most judicious manner at a considerable
expense , and capable of carrying on a very extensive trade.
all the utensils and implements belonging to the same; consisting of divers
barrels, mash tun, pipes, liquor backs and coolers, excellent mill works and
apparatus, with a large quantity of the customary useful articles appendant on
a brewery.
further particulars apply to Mr. Webb, solicitor, Folkestone, or to Mr. Thos.
Dangerfield, the proprietor.
Kentish Chronicle
Brewers and Others – To be disposed of by private contract.
small, complete brewery, with dwelling house adjoining, with or without four
public houses, situate in the town of Folkestone.
further particulars apply to Mr. Thomas S. Baker.
June 23, 1817.
Kentish Chronicle
Brewers and Others – To be disposed of – A small, compact brewery, with or
without three public houses, now in full trade, situate in the town of
Folkestone, within a mile and a half of that much-improved watering place,
Sandgate, where a considerable trade is now carried on.
above concern is well worth the attention of any person wanting business, with
a small capital, as the brewhouse may be taken with the plant at an annual
rent, under lease of which there are four years unexpired at Michaelmas next,
without any or such part of the public houses as may be most convenient to the
further particulars apply to Mr. Thomas S. Baker.
July 14, 1817.
Kentish Chronicle
Brewers and others: To be sold by auction (without reserve) by Mr. David Major,
at the Folkestone Arms Inn, in the town of Folkestone, on Tuesday, the
fourteenth day of October next, at one o`clock in the afternoon, all that
freehold messuage or tenement, with a convenient ale and table beer brewery,
storehouses and yard adjoining, and one piece or parcel of rich garden ground,
measuring 25 feet in front by 70 feet in depth, more or less, situate in
Sandgate Road, in the town of Folkestone.
above premises contain every requisite for brewing, are situated in the
pleasantest part of the town of Folkestone, distant about a mile and a half
from Sandgate, a flourishing and daily increasing watering place, and might
with great advantage be converted into a table beer brewery for the supply of
Folkestone, Sandgate and the adjoining country with beer, brewed under the
directions of the recent Act of Parliament.
piece of garden ground is particularly eligible for building on.
may be had immediately.
further particulars, and to view the premises, apply to the office of Webb and
Bond, Solicitors, Folkestone. All letters to be post paid.
22nd September, 1823.